Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Circus ends

Terri is gone. She can now rest in peace. Here are some of the reactions by supporters outside of the hospice where she passed away today.

"You saw a murder happening"

"Everybody who denied her right to live are accomplices to murder, and God knows,"

"I'm not believing the report of man,"

"God will raise her from the dead, and all the world will see it."

"It's really sick what we've seen here," a man said then gave the Nazi salute and yelled ""Heil Hitler."

And finally a quote from an intelligent person, one I think anyone on either side could agree with: "I know Terri has a new life, a new body. She's singing, she's dancing, she's praising God."


Monday, March 28, 2005

I couldn't help it...

Attention BeefLoggers:Before reading this post we advise you to go back to the post of "The Sad case of Terry Shiavo", then read the 2 comments posted for that beef then read today's first response titled "Putting the Beef back.." then read this. Then we can all get back to the usual Beef's as we know them.

Sorry. I know I said I was done with this subject but sometimes you have to retort to attacks on one self. Again, regarding my previous Beef on Terri Schiavo's case. Anonymous commented that "You'd make a great reporter for say, The Boston Globe or the New York Times. Getting the facts straight is something with which they struggle, too." So I wrote the previous post to clarify my opinions. Then today I read just one article on CNN.COM and well I got kind of pissed off.Actually I got really pissed. So unless CNN is outright lying and misquoting folks which would open up some tasty lawsuits, lets take a look at some excerpts:

1.Anti-abortion activist Randall Terry, who has acted as a spokesman for Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, said a group in Washington would reach out to top officials and urge "anybody that has guts up there" to intervene in the case.Yup, I covered this guy in my first post correctly.

2.The Rev. Patrick Mahoney, a conservative Christian activist leading demonstrations outside a Florida hospice where Schiavo lives, said he would take his fight to Washington on Monday.Ok, now we have a Reverend yet this is not a religious issue.

3.Mahoney said he'll ask White House and congressional leaders to enforce a subpoena issued by a House committee. The subpoena orders Schiavo to appear before Congress.I said they wanted to wheel her up to Congress didn't I?

4....and the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal of that decision by Republican congressional leaders.No really, its not political, its all about Terri.

5.Numerous state court judges have sided with Schiavo's husband and legal guardian, Michael Schiavo, who says Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state and would not want to continue living under such conditions. I covered this also.

6.President Bush signed federal legislation on March 21 to move the case from state court to federal court. I guess Georgy doesn't believe the media either.

7.Brother Paul O'Donnell, a Franciscan monk who has been acting as a spiritual adviser to and spokesman for the Schindlers, stepped up pressure on Bush's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, calling on him Monday to "step in and take custody" of Terri Schiavo.Hey I like Monks! Again we stress that religion and moral beliefs are in no way influencing this case.

8."We're begging, governor: Do something today, now," O'Donnell said. "Don't join the culture of death and be writing this woman's obituary."Ok he didn't say murder..yet.

9.Speaking briefly to reporters Monday, Gov. Bush said, "My heart is broken about this." He said he is "respectful of the judiciaries decisions," but "from a personal perspective it just breaks my heart that we've not erred on the side of life." What personal perspective is Jeb talking about I wonder?

10.Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation," David Gibbs, the Schindlers' attorney, said Terri Schiavo "is declining rapidly. We believe she has, at this point, passed where physically she would be able to recover. ... Terri has past the point of no return."
Just a few hours later, Terry -- founder of anti-abortion group Operation Rescue -- angrily rejected that, telling reporters Terri Schiavo was "not at death's door." He said Gibbs represents the family "in matters of court" but did not represent them "when he gave that report about Terri." Terry's statement here proves who is really the mouth piece for the family.Hmm interesting fact straight from a horses ass.

11.Terry harshly criticized the governor. "What kind of man sits in the governor's mansion that would let a woman starve like this, who is clinging to life and crying out to be saved?" Terry asked.Is this fuckin guy for real?Jeb did what his brother told him to do. This Terry guy gives pro-lifers a bad name, making them all seem like whacked out religious zealots spouting shit like "crying out to be saved". Is he a mind reader or did God drop him an email? Her parents really let this guy be their spokesperson and expect to be taken seriously?

12.Schiavo collapsed in 1990 from cardiac arrest related to an eating disorder. Court-appointed doctors in Florida have found that she is in a persistent vegetative state, despite arguments from her parents that she is not.Yup, wrote about that too.The PVS is debatable though all the court rulings have eventually agreed on this point.

12.Monsignor Thaddeus Malanowski, aided by the chaplain of the hospice where Schiavo lay, said he "gave her the drop of precious blood on the tongue, so we know she received Christ."
Lets see, a Monsignor, a Reverend, a Monk and a Jack Ass named Terry. This is all coincidence. All these religious overtones are just a fluke. All the bible thumping and fiery sermons are just to help Terri. Its all about Terri. Its all about her getting better and nothing else. No politics, No religion just Terri. Those are the facts right?

Oh, here's another tidbit for ya:Authorities said Richard Alan Meywes of Fairview, North Carolina, offered $250,000 for the killing of Michael Schiavo and another $50,000 for the death of Circuit Court Judge George Greer, who ordered Schiavo's feeding tube removed a week ago.
Did I get the facts wrong on that one too?

Screw you all and your holier than thou bullshit.

I'm done.

May Terri's soul rest in peace and forgive us all for using her tragedy to stand on our soap boxes and to further your agenda's.

Putting the Beef back in Beeflogs

Two posts ago I went off on the Terri Shiavo case. An Anonymous poster came by and laid a two line rebuttal. I basically did what I had planned on NOT doing here and that was try and mix opinion with too much straight news. I created this Blog to speak my mind and say whatever the hell I feel like saying. Things like the "Pope eats moose cock" and "Homo's should have rights, like the right to die of A.I.D.S. and shut up".

Shocked yet? Gasping for breath or clapping in agreement? I don't believe either of the above statements and neither should you just because you read them here. You either agree or disagree. That is what makes our country so great (at times) is because we have the right to make such asinine opinions like the statements above. What I did on the beef about Schiavo's case was collect all the info I had learned through legitimate and not so legit websites, news programs and discussion groups. then I formed an opinion. What I did wrong was include too much info. What I should have done was post my opinion and why without trying to back it up with facts given to us by sources I cant confirm. Now some supporters of the Beef are screaming aloud right now "WHAT? You write whatever you damn please boy!". Here is my point. People will argue till no end about fact and fiction. You don't even know these days where to get the straight facts. From Rathergate to the anything but fair and balanced Fox News, America has to do there own search for the truth. Eventually it just comes down to forming your own opinion based in what you do know. So, I do know that Terri Schiavo's husband has the legal right to decide to remove her feeding tubes. This is what the courts have decided. I do know that just as many Doctors that believe she could possibly improve have said she will not. I believe her Family loves her and truly believes that she could improve. I also believe that her Husband thinks he is giving her her wish to not live in that state. Though truly speculative I fully believe Terri herself would not want to continue living in this condition. That's my opinion of course but I would stake a lot on it. There is also many people using this case to further agenda's. Politicians, religious folk and the like have rallied around the right to live movement and are using Terri as their poster child. As I said earlier according to CNN.COM in a poll 73% of Americans believe her husband has the right to choose whether to remove her feeding tubes. I'm sure though someone will say that poll is faked or whoever goes to CNN.COM for news is a liberal. Enough about this though. Anonymous helped me learn to cut out the BS and go for the heart of the matter. Thank you and now please go fuck yourself.........:-)

just kiddin cochise! We welcome all Beef here!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Break from Reality

..aahh it will be nice to take break with an extended weekend. Good Friday, whatever the Catholics think is so good about it, I couldn't agree more. It just means a paid day off for me! Boy do I need it too. What a rotten week for America. Nothing but horrid news stories all over TV. Terri Shiavo, steroids, School Shootings, Child Murder in Florida, Teddy Brushi possibly never playing football again.....I want to puke! Everything has been so negative! So that's why this weekend there will be No NEWS! No NPR, No CNN nothing. I intend to relax fully and keep all negative energy out of my personal bubble! Spring is in the air! That means fresh air, open windows, opening the pool and BASEBALL! I cant wait. I hate winter with a passion but I love spring and summer. Soon the sun will shine and all us freaks who are Bi-Polar or suffer from the Post Football Season Depression Syndrome can rejoice. Out of the cold darkness and into the warm light. I welcome spring with open arms and a unquenchable thirst for.....

"We interupt this sorry attempt at happiness and return to our regular scheduled bitching and moaning sessions and the overall "Fuck everyone, life sucks ranting and raving" of the beeflog. Oh yeah beefhead, look outside, its snowing again!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......."

Aw nuts.

The Sad Case of Terry Schiavo and the Moral Right in ameriKa

All we have been hearing and seeing on the news is poor Terry Schiavo, mouth slightly agape, eyes staring of into space, at times a possible glimpse of life but mostly nothing. A catatonic stare into eternity. Her case has grown into a media frenzy, with her husband and 73% of the public on one side according to CNN/Gallup and her parents and every right to life person on the other. The facts we know for sure are this:Terry collapsed in 1990 suffering severe brain damage due to lack of oxygen to her brain.The cause of her cardiac arrest was believed to be due to chemical imbalances in her blood (specifically potassium) believe to be caused by her bulimia nervosa. In 1992 a medical malpractice suit was brought against Schiavo's medical care providers. The jury concluded that Schiavo suffered from bulimia, which caused her chemical imbalance and subsequent cardiac arrest and had not been properly diagnosed by the hospital. The hospital appealed, and the case was settled in 1993 before the appeal could be decided, with Terri Schiavo receiving $750,000 and Michael Schiavo receiving $300,000 from the hospital.

After that there are few facts known, a lot of bark but no bite. We can only surmise our opinions from what is presented from her on.We know Terri's husband claimed that on more than two occasions Terri told him that she would never want to live "hooked on machines" and after seeing relatives on their death beds she made sure he promised to never let her become like that. Michael Schiavo has been trying to grant her that wish for 7 years. He waited 6 years to see if Doctor's could do anything to improve her condition. They couldn't and she hasn't. Since 1998 Schiavo has tried to have her feeding tubes removed and allow her to die and move on to a better place. Around this time Terri's parents tried to have a court remove Michaels guardianship, claiming he abused their daughter and was unfit to be in charge of her care. This case was was never heard since it contained allegations that were 12 yrs old. A nurse was even going to testify that Michael abused her in the hospital. They went even as far to suggest that Michael withheld CPR to Terri as she lay on the floor after she first collapsed. A lot of hate, lies and deceit from both parties has fouled the entire affair. One fact remains after all this. According to numerous Doctors and Experts, Terri Schiavo is in a Persistent Vegetative State and does not react to stimuli. So we have Michael Shiavo who in all fairness probably wants to move on with his life, release his wife, grant her wish and move into the future knowing she is in a better place. Then we have her Parents, devoutly religious, convinced that Terri recognizes them and with more treatment will get better.Neither is wrong in their hopes. Terri's Parents spokesperson who just happens to be one of the biggest anti-abortionist's in Florida believes she will get better with time. One wonders where they have been for the last 15 years during which Terri has shown no progress. Granted I am a bit bias here. I fully believe in a persons right to die and I fully believe that if Terri could say one sentence it would be "Let me go." Michael Schiavo gains nothing by his wife leaving this earth. Nothing but closure. I truly believe her parents love Terri and in their faith based beliefs think she could recover but I think its more than that. They claim it is the ultimate sin to kill and if their daughter is removed from her feeding tubes then I guarantee you will see "murder" in quotes all across the nations news papers. Maybe Michael was a scumbag. Maybe he hurt his wife or maybe its just a story concocted by her family to help them gain control of Terri's destiny. We will never know because Terri cant and will never be able to tell us. Either way it does not change the fact of her condition, one I might add that was partly brought on by her own bulimia. How do you think Terri felt about herself before the collapse? She was sick, had a serious eating disorder and known physciatric issues. She was troubled to say the least and now her parents think she is happy in her current condition? If she had the will to think it I doubt this to be the case.
The last Doctor to briefly examine Terri for her parents had this to say:"In summary, Terri Schiavo demonstrates behaviors in a variety of cognitive domains that call into question the previous neurological diagnosis of persistent vegetative state. Specifically, she has demonstrated behaviors that are context-specific, sustained, and indicative of cerebral cortical processing that, upon careful neurological consideration, would not be expected in a persistent vegetative state. Based on this evidence, I believe that, within a reasonable degree of medical certainty, there is a greater likelihood that Terri is in a minimally conscious state than a persistent vegetative state... [and] in my judgment it would be wrong to bring about her death by withdrawing food and water." This Doctor of course was brought in by Terri's parents and as usual, Doctors called in by them concur that she is not in a Persistent Vegetative State as Michaels Doctors all agree that she IS in PVS. This obviously is representative of some of these Doctors moral opinions more than their scientific knowledge. Some of Michaels Doctor's are known to support Doctor assisted Suicide as some of Terri's Parents Doctor's refuse to perform abortions and other specific "morally disagreeable" services. This is a no win situation for Terri, but the above Doctor's quote is interesting though. If you had asked Terri fifteen years ago if she would want to live "in a minimally conscious state" how would she have reacted? This was a woman who was overweight growing up and suffered from bulimia because of this. As horrible as this sounds if Terri had one look at herself in this condition I think her answer would be obvious. "Let me go."
Terri is still the only victim that remains here. I would think her husband is long past the point of grief as is her family regarding her current condition and the sad hand she has been dealt in life but that was 15 years ago. It is now the fight for the right to live or die and the moral issues that are dwarfing Terri in this hotly debated issue. Georgy Porgie signed a bill that was rushed through Congress to keep her alive. Congress actually wanted to wheel her up to Washington so they could spout their rhetoric in front of the TV cameras like they recently did with Major League Baseball regarding the steroid issue. Porgie's brother and Florida Governor Jeb Bush even tried to circumvent the courts when he produced a Doctor who had spent 90 minutes with Terri and proclaimed "I felt Terri's presence in the room" Its quite ironic that politicians who are passing legislation to curb Medical Malpractice suits and cut Medicare, the two things that have KEPT TERRI ALIVE for 15 years are now rushing to her aid with Bible in one hand and sound bytes in the other.

It looks as I write this that Terri will soon get her wish, the wish Michael claims anyway and she will be leaving us. Though starving someone to death sounds horribly in-humane it is the only way to let her go. It would be the choice I would make. I feel for her family and for her husband and I can only hope when she is gone that it brings closure.
We know it wont though. Debate will rage on. Her family or spokespeople will accuse the State of "murder" and their defamation of Michael will continue. Michael will continue to profess Terri's wish to be let go if she was ever hooked up to machines. I'm sure Michael will re-marry and we will see them all endlessly on Oprah, Larry King etc. Only one voice wont be heard and that will be Terri's. Hers was silenced 15 years ago. This is a good time to believe in a better afterlife because after the circus that has revolved around her for 15 years she deserves better. I think she will get it.

Monday, March 21, 2005


The toxicity of our city, of our city
New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder,
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence, Sacred silence and sleep,
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep, Disorder, disorder, disorder.
More wood for their fires, loud neighbors,
Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck,
Eating seeds as a past time activity, The toxicity of our city, of our city!

These lyrics from the great band "System of a Down" carry too literal of a meaning today. The shitplant or Waste Water Treatment Facility for you pc folk, next door to my workplace has caught fire and may have spewed toxic chemicals into the air. They evacuated 100 homes in the area yet here I sit getting ready to leave in a half an hour. Hopefully I do not inhale some toxic gas which cause my kin to be born with a third nipple and a cleft upper lip. Anyhoo it could be worse. I sit at a PC all day and talk to shop owners and manager's wondering where their products are. Not too bad. I could be eating seeds as a past time activity. Just when you think you have it bad...

Also this Friday is Good Friday. Its good because I have it off!

Holding my breath in NH....

Capt. Howdy

Friday, March 18, 2005

Smiles and Cries

I cried like a baby on my way to work this morning. I have no idea where it came from but it did. Latlely I have been having these vivid dreams where people and events from my past have been popping up. So much so that I have been tempted to start penning my auto-biography simply for personal therapeutic purposes. I'm driving down the interstate and I am rehashing some days from my childhood, mainly the time right before my folks got divorced and I remembered one of my favorite memories of my Father. Nothing major, just a little thing I remember and always made me feel good about it. As I was thinking of this a huge wave of emotion washed over me and I lost it. No sobbing or wailing just a damn good cry. I haven't had a genuine, unforced cry in years, and it felt great. I feel better then I have in days, shit weeks. This may sound crazy but I highly recommend a good cry at least once a month for better well being. They say the power of laughter is un-measurable and I believe that also but damn I feel refreshed. What a strange but oddly fulfilling Friday morning. Bring on the weekend then, I feel positive changes coming my way.

Why getting away with Murder is sometimes good.

Calm down, I'm not condoning murder. Lets take a look at a few murder trials, mainly Robert Blake's trial. The former "Beretta" star and wonderfully creepy guy from David Lynch's utterly wacked out "Lost Highway" was just found Not Guilty. He most likely murdered his wife but he got away with it. Now this is no O.J trial where the evidence was more than enough to convict but whether you agree or not the mostly black jury got their revenge for Rodney King and the scores of other African American's who have been beaten, murdered and never saw justice done in their cases. Unfortunately Nicole Simpson,Ronald Goldman and their loved ones had to suffer for the disgusting abuses of power Law enforcement and the Justice System has rought upon the black community. But I digress.
So in Blakes case I was glad he was found Not Guilty. Not because his wife was a philandering floozy, someone who used sex to coerce wealthy famous men to bed her and get her pregnant. Not because she bilked these men out of their money and swindled other innocent people through lonely heart mail ad's. Though not a model citizen she didn't deserve to die. The fact that I am glad he was found innocent is because the case was weak and barring the fact that he had motive they had nothing on him. I am a big supporter of people who are falsely accused and convicted of crimes they did not commit. Now this isn't one of those cases but I still have a fear of being charged with a crime because "it just makes sense that he did it".
Take a look at Scott Pederson. This piece of shit killed his wife and unborn child or at least had something to do with it. He's gonna fry and good riddance BUT take a look at his trial. This guy was convicted before he stepped foot into the courtroom. Read the trial transcripts, all they convinced me of was that he was a scumbag (cheating on his wife) and he went fishing the morning she disappeared in the same bay they found the body. Now we know enough about the case to pretty much seal his guilt in America's eyes BUT if I was an impartial juror I would have had to vote Not Guilty based on what was presented in the courtroom. You cannot convict someone on what you read in the paper or because "he showed no emotion in court". If you want to be scared about convictions based on mass hysteria and the media go ahead and type the following into a search engine: McMartin Trial
Fells Acre
Kelly Michaels

Scary stuff. It gives me Nightmares. Now I know the Blake trial and especially Pederson are in another category all together then the above mentioned ritual abuse cases but we have to be careful and keep an eye out for the paranoia and mob mentality that can start to snowball and ruin people's lives. Well we are on the subject I recommend two films if you are interested in false accusation's and the wrongly convicted. They are "Indictment" starring James Woods and the Documentary "Capturing the Freidmans". For more about these films head over to my sister Blog Film Improper. Have a good weekend and be safe.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hey ho, lets Blog!

So I found myself typing away about movies again and decided I want to keep this forum on a pretty basic premise. Me beefing or just talking about my day or whatever the hell I want. So I created Film Improper. Its another Blog of mine completely dedicated to Film and occasionally TV. You can find it under my profile if you're interested. Either way the beef continues here...

My cold is just about gone now. It was really annoying more than anything else. One wonders how the human body can produce so much phlegm. I have been regaining strength and even the snow outside has stopped falling for the time being. Spring just might be creeping its way around the corner anytime.

Also kudos to Lord Duke. Dating an exotic dancer must come with wonderfully exciting benefits. Bask in the glory, you deseve it.

Martha Stewart is home now.She is quite upset though because the electronic ankle bracelet she has to wear is chafing. Yes it seems when Martha is doing her palates or whatever the hell she does to get back her dazzling figure (?) the ankle bracelet is quite bothersome. Cry me a fuckin river. Go make napkins out of pubic hair or something. This is what the mainstream news is reporting these days. Boy it must be a slow news day. Hmmm. Lets see what's going on today..ahhh front page on CNN.COM. Here is some real news finally. See if you can guess which ones are fake and which ones are real!

Third-grader commutes to school by mule!

Atlanta Subway Trains Get Flatscreen TV's!

The NEW SAT' tests: Kids say "They are Long!"

No Soldiers Die in Iraq!

Bush may allow stem cell research to help cure "them sick people"!

If you guessed that the FIRST THREE are REAL and the last TWO are FAKE then you are right! If you won then we will send you a 25% off coupon for all Gas purchases which should bring down your cost of gasoline from about $175 dollars a gallon to a reasonable one hundred and thirty one dollars and 25 cents a gallon! We here at The Daily Beef are so glad this war in Iraq has brought down the cost of oil!**

**Prices may vary depending on what area you live in and what kind of mood Opec is in.
***I think Blood is actually cheaper than Oil right now. How Ironic.


Friday, March 11, 2005

Yesterdays Post Today

Im sick as a dog. I wonder about phrases like that. Are all dogs really that sick? Are dead people that sleepy? Ive never seen a three dollar bill but if I do i certainly wont make any assumptions about its sexuality. Im sick. Blogger is all messed up, dont know if I will be able to post. I am tired and i am going home to sleep.

green death Nyquil dreams here i come.......

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Plastic manhood, Chasing a dream and the pressure is on.

Wow what a fast few days. I feel like a slacker for not writing since Friday. This weekend was a busy and fun one to say the least. Spent all day Saturday shopping overpriced stores in Nashua NH and finally got myself a firearm! Ok not really but it feels and looks like the real thing anyway. Ever since I was a kid I have been obsessed with guns. Not because I want to go kill someone or rob the 7-11 just because I have always had a cinematic imagination and nothing brought to life a scene from "Die Hard" like a cold piece of metal in your hand. Shit if I was in High School right now the FBI would be tracking me just for typing that sentence. So I finally bought myself an Airsoft pistol. What is airsoft you ask? Well its basically a BB gun that shoots hard plastic BB's instead of "you'll shoot yer eye out" steel ones. The thing about Airsoft is that the guns are modeled after the real thing. Most are even fully trademarked by Sigma, Smith and Wesson and like mine, Beretta Firearms. Not to mention they are exact replica's, real enough looking to get a face full of buckshot from Officer Powell if you were to waive it around in public. Yeah I know, most of you are saying why not buy the real thing? A few reasons. One, guns are expensive and two they kill people. With my little plinker I can feel like a man, look like an armed man but cause no serious threat except for the welts I raised on my leg when I shot myself to test the strength. Ouch. I know you're all saying "How Silly" but everyone has their strange passion. Mine is real guns that aren't real. I will always have a real 12 gauge hidden away for self defense but when it comes to a 1300 dollar Glock 17, Ill take the one for $50.

Now is hosting a film contest. Recently I was trying to work on a movie for Fangoria, the great Horror magazine but their deadline was fast approaching and to be honest I still am lacking equipment and time. Just for those who don't already know I am a huge film buff and ever since I saw "The Road Warrior" with Mel Gibson on our huge rented VHS machine in 1982 I have dreamed of becoming a Director. Over the years I managed a dozen or so silly skit-films with relatives and friends, a couple of my own sex videos and lots of unused footage of people partying and acting like fools. Not much of a resume. So when I saw that was running a 7 minute film contest I said to myself "Shit, 7 minutes? Who cant pull that off!" Quentin Tarantino's words echoed through my brain. After winning the Independent Spirit Award for "Pulp Fiction" he told Michael Moore in an interview "My advice for filmmakers is this. Make your MOVIE! Don't wait for better equipment, more money or better actors just do it. And do it by the time you turn 30!" Well here I am, 30. No money, shitty equipment and no actors. Sounds like the perfect time to start. Now all I need is an idea.

I was so thrilled to see Lord Duke post new rants to!!I was quite flattered that he mentioned my silly blog also. God, I feel like the pressure is on now! Anyone just tuning in I recommend going back into my archives here and start from the beginning.

All you poor souls out there that owe money better move to Canada. Congress is passing a bill making it harder to claim bankruptcy. We all know that the system is abused but mostly by big companies and scumbags who lose civil suits and try to weasel their way out of it. Republicans blocked an amendment that would have blocked ANYONE who had a judgment levied against them to not be able to use bankruptcy as a way out. They claim it is an abortion issue because pro-lifers who shoot Doctor's and blow up clinics are often sued and could get out of paying civil fines because they claim Bankruptcy. Senator Orinn Hatch said "It was a ridiculous amendment, their has never been a case of an someone using Bankruptcy as a way to get out of Civil fines, abortion related or otherwise" So Hatch, what your saying is the amendment is silly because what it blocks doesn't exist? So why the hell do you care if its in the bill?? Would it hurt to be there in case something like that comes up?? Fuckin dumb ass. Heed my words this bill will hurt the poor and turn Bankruptcy courts into collection Depot's for fuckin Visa. Next stop, Debtors Prison!!!!

I love to hear these chucklhead Congressmen on NPR as I drive home. They are about as smart as those kids who shot up the Italians trying to get that commie reporter out of Iraq. What a cluster fuck our country is. But I will repeat, Its my country and my clusterfuck too. I still have faith. Some day things will get better.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Its Friday, Counselor


That single word was typed in the center of a blank stationary page by HST right before he took his own life. His son Juan, directly after finding his father's body went outside and fired three shotgun blasts into the cold Colorado air. What does this all mean? Is it a sign? A special message only those lucky enough to have the "Gonzo" spirit could understand? Well I will have all weekend to ponder this new info because it is Friday and I am ready for my days of rest. Maybe the Temp will rise above 30 and my balls can thaw out. I leave you with that mental picture to ponder.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Talkin Sports

So what's been going on during the last few days? Lets see. In sports the Patriots have released Ty Law, Roman Phifer and Troy Brown. First, I saw the Ty Law thing coming. We cant afford him and we did win our last 9 games including the Super Bowl without him. I think some of us felt he would sign back for less but I guess not. Phifer's release is understandable. He's an older veteran who's playing time is diminishing but he was a great part of the team. I really hope he retires and maybe joins the coaching staff. Now this Troy Brown thing really chaps my ass. Troy has done nothing but bust his ass for our team. He came into his own 4 yrs ago and became a standout wide receiver for us. He was a major reason we went to the Super Bowl all three years. This year the guy played on defense for us!! And he was pretty damn good too. I really hope they find a way to bring him back. Id really hate to see him go. Now I just read Joe Andruzzi, an excellent veteran O-lineman has left to go to the Browns. I hope they know what they are doing down in Foxboro.

Enough about Football though. Baseball will soon be upon us! If anyone out there would like to donate around $900 it would be appreciated. Thats about what it would cost for 2 opening day tickets for Jess and I to go see the Red Sox and the Yankees. Checks are welcome:-)
