Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hey ho, lets Blog!

So I found myself typing away about movies again and decided I want to keep this forum on a pretty basic premise. Me beefing or just talking about my day or whatever the hell I want. So I created Film Improper. Its another Blog of mine completely dedicated to Film and occasionally TV. You can find it under my profile if you're interested. Either way the beef continues here...

My cold is just about gone now. It was really annoying more than anything else. One wonders how the human body can produce so much phlegm. I have been regaining strength and even the snow outside has stopped falling for the time being. Spring just might be creeping its way around the corner anytime.

Also kudos to Lord Duke. Dating an exotic dancer must come with wonderfully exciting benefits. Bask in the glory, you deseve it.

Martha Stewart is home now.She is quite upset though because the electronic ankle bracelet she has to wear is chafing. Yes it seems when Martha is doing her palates or whatever the hell she does to get back her dazzling figure (?) the ankle bracelet is quite bothersome. Cry me a fuckin river. Go make napkins out of pubic hair or something. This is what the mainstream news is reporting these days. Boy it must be a slow news day. Hmmm. Lets see what's going on today..ahhh front page on CNN.COM. Here is some real news finally. See if you can guess which ones are fake and which ones are real!

Third-grader commutes to school by mule!

Atlanta Subway Trains Get Flatscreen TV's!

The NEW SAT' tests: Kids say "They are Long!"

No Soldiers Die in Iraq!

Bush may allow stem cell research to help cure "them sick people"!

If you guessed that the FIRST THREE are REAL and the last TWO are FAKE then you are right! If you won then we will send you a 25% off coupon for all Gas purchases which should bring down your cost of gasoline from about $175 dollars a gallon to a reasonable one hundred and thirty one dollars and 25 cents a gallon! We here at The Daily Beef are so glad this war in Iraq has brought down the cost of oil!**

**Prices may vary depending on what area you live in and what kind of mood Opec is in.
***I think Blood is actually cheaper than Oil right now. How Ironic.



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