Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Monday, March 28, 2005

Putting the Beef back in Beeflogs

Two posts ago I went off on the Terri Shiavo case. An Anonymous poster came by and laid a two line rebuttal. I basically did what I had planned on NOT doing here and that was try and mix opinion with too much straight news. I created this Blog to speak my mind and say whatever the hell I feel like saying. Things like the "Pope eats moose cock" and "Homo's should have rights, like the right to die of A.I.D.S. and shut up".

Shocked yet? Gasping for breath or clapping in agreement? I don't believe either of the above statements and neither should you just because you read them here. You either agree or disagree. That is what makes our country so great (at times) is because we have the right to make such asinine opinions like the statements above. What I did on the beef about Schiavo's case was collect all the info I had learned through legitimate and not so legit websites, news programs and discussion groups. then I formed an opinion. What I did wrong was include too much info. What I should have done was post my opinion and why without trying to back it up with facts given to us by sources I cant confirm. Now some supporters of the Beef are screaming aloud right now "WHAT? You write whatever you damn please boy!". Here is my point. People will argue till no end about fact and fiction. You don't even know these days where to get the straight facts. From Rathergate to the anything but fair and balanced Fox News, America has to do there own search for the truth. Eventually it just comes down to forming your own opinion based in what you do know. So, I do know that Terri Schiavo's husband has the legal right to decide to remove her feeding tubes. This is what the courts have decided. I do know that just as many Doctors that believe she could possibly improve have said she will not. I believe her Family loves her and truly believes that she could improve. I also believe that her Husband thinks he is giving her her wish to not live in that state. Though truly speculative I fully believe Terri herself would not want to continue living in this condition. That's my opinion of course but I would stake a lot on it. There is also many people using this case to further agenda's. Politicians, religious folk and the like have rallied around the right to live movement and are using Terri as their poster child. As I said earlier according to CNN.COM in a poll 73% of Americans believe her husband has the right to choose whether to remove her feeding tubes. I'm sure though someone will say that poll is faked or whoever goes to CNN.COM for news is a liberal. Enough about this though. Anonymous helped me learn to cut out the BS and go for the heart of the matter. Thank you and now please go fuck yourself.........:-)

just kiddin cochise! We welcome all Beef here!


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