Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Monday, February 28, 2005

Post Oscar Monday

They gave out the little gold men last night. Congrats to Morgan Freeman who readilly deserved any Oscar for all the wonderfull performances he has given us over the years. I was very bummed that Marty Scorsese lost AGAIN. This is the man who has brought us some of the greatest films of ALL TIME: Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
The Color of Money
The Last Temptation of Christ...

I have yet to see "The Aviator" or last nights winner "Million Dollar Baby" so i cannot argue Best Picture winners but hey, I love ya Clint but Scorsese got shafted. Again. Also Jamie Foxx was excellent in Ray and deserved to be awarded as he was.

I watched the film Troy last night. It was pretty good overall. It actually stuck to the story of Troy and Hector and Achilles pretty well. Speaking of movies I have decided to keep track of all the films i watch during the year so i can have my own awards at the end of each year.
Yes, I do have too much time on my hands.

We are expecting a big ass snowstorm here tonight. 8-17 inches or more of the wet heavy stuff. I may very well be hom tommorrow! Word around the office is if its too much we staying put! Sweet.

Congrats to the Kansas City police for capturing the BTK strangler. He was a notorious serial killer from the late 70's and early 80's. The idiot got clean away but decided to start writing to the police again this year. Now he's busted. Good riddance.

125 die today in Iraq.

Ii didnt want to end the day on a bad note but im hungry and Im going to lunch! peace out.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bush speaks and more on Hunter.

Yesterday Georgy Porgie was in Europe, skillfully trying to mend fences he broke when we invaded Iraq. Germany and the Frog's especially were upset that we would invade the country where they had made so much money breaking embargo's and UN sanctions. Even though I still do not support the war in Iraq I could care less what the Germans and the stinky French think. I apologize for my third grade racism but I have a deep seated hatred for the French that I do not feel like going into here. Anyway back to our favorite idiot savant. When Bush was asked about our intentions to invade Iran he said that thoughts of an invasion were "ridiculous!," but "all options are on the table." Huh?

Today he tried to clear this up but made it even more muddy. He added,"Iran is not Iraq. Diplomatic methods are just starting." No shit Iran is not Iraq. Iran poses much more of a threat than Iraq did. Militarily and Humanitarian. Iran currently ranks as "Not Free" by Iranians cannot change their government and do not vote for the head of the country. Women are extremely limited in their roles in government and are not allowed to leave the country without the husbands permission. Of course they are not allowed to show their faces in public. This is true to for our pals in Saudi Arabia also, another country with horrific human right conditions and ranked as "Not Free". Did I mention Iran they has a great Nuclear Weapons program and a hell of an army? They have also told us to "fuck off" in not so many words. Oh well. There's always Syria.

Also the Religious Right of America, those fine folks who showed up to the polls in droves are now looking for their piece of the political pie. Today on NPR, Pat Robertson made it clear that he expects the Republicans to do everything in their power to get right wing, conservative Judges elected to the Supreme Court. The objective of course is to overturn Roe VS Wade among other things. If they fail in this Robertson will have a hard time "using my TV Networks to raise more money for the party."
He also feels that Judges should be voted in by the public not appointed by Legislator's. He may think jerking off is a sin but he's not stupid. If there was ever a vote on abortion in this country we pro-choicer's or (baby killers as the religious right calls us) would be trounced. Not because the majority of the country is pro-life but because the right would be out in force for the vote again much like this past election. Choose or lose? Damn straight.

Last but not least a few more words on Hunter. As most of us thought the old guy was suffering quite a bit in his last days. The following from CNN.COM adds to our suspicions:

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Journalist Hunter S. Thompson did not take his life "in a moment of haste or anger or despondency" and probably planned his suicide well in advance because of his declining health, the family's spokesman said Wednesday.

Douglas Brinkley, a historian and author who has edited some of Thompson's work, said the founder of "gonzo" journalism shot himself Sunday night after weeks of pain from a host of physical problems that included a broken leg and a hip replacement.

"I think he made a conscious decision that he had an incredible run of 67 years, lived the way he wanted to, and wasn't going to suffer the indignities of old age," Brinkley said in a telephone interview from Aspen. "He was not going to let anybody dictate how he was going to die."

This last part made me smile:The family is looking into whether Thompson's cremated remains can be blasted out of a cannon, a wish the gun-loving writer often expressed, Brinkley said.
"The optimal, best-case scenario is the ashes will be shot out of a cannon," he said.

I wish I could be there for that.

All heroes die hard..

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

When the going got weird..

Still bumming about the good Doctor. The post I wrote the day after his death was my first reaction to his death. Now that I have had the chance to research his final days the suicide is coming more into focus...Yesterday I posted a CNN.COM article here about HST. Today my cousin sent me a much more appropriate and thoughtfull article from SALON.COM and I have replaced it here. This also helped me in understanding HST more and helped to answer alot of the questions I had. We still may never know the full reason why he took his life but as the article states "he was in the game for a very long time.." and he played it like a champ. He lived more than most of us will ever dream and for sharing it with us we thank him.

Lets keep his memory alive and continue to spit in the eye of normalcy and not live life the way everyone else thinks we should. We shall return to your regular scheduled Beef's tommorrow.

The Duke of Hazard Hunter S. Thompson blasted through the world like a big-finned rocket of defiance and revulsion. He leaves a big burned hole and a safer, duller world.

From SALON.COM written by Cintra Wilson
Feb. 21, 2005

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

Last night, the night that Hunter S. Thompson was apparently shooting himself (an exit somehow befitting the self-styled anarchy and insouciantly godless iconoclasm of the man) my friend "Dirty Bobby," a magazine photographer, and I were in the kitchen of my house discussing a road trip he'd taken on a journalism assignment in Nevada. Suffice to say there was a lot of crystal meth involved, a rental car with a V-8 engine, a half-naked, semi-conscious female basketball player from UNLV, and a remake of an automatic Nazi "grease-gun," which was fired repeatedly out the window at 80 mph.
It was the first time in my life I have ever considered the possibility that Dr. Thompson's work might have had a questionable impact on the youth of today. This was certainly not the first of such stories I'd heard.
While there is a lot to be said for this kind of self-consuming, skid-marks-on-the-lawn-of-the-establishment behavior, most of the kids who imitated Thompson didn't really get that he wasn't simply depraved for the sake of depravity. Thompson may have seemed to be merely flailing violently among the vultures and wolverines wafting up from the spilled ether in his Buick floor mat, but he actually had a point: He was searching for the American dream. The twisted style in which he conducted this crusade was a reflection of how twisted he felt that dream had become.
If artists are the uninsulated emotional conductors for the rest of society, Thompson was a one-man power grid of paranoia, revulsion and defiance. He was a canary in our collective coal mine, an ulcer on our societal tongue, a warning. He was physically a big and strong enough man to recklessly embody the idea that we should all Beware of Where We Are Headed. A shuddering red flag.
Alienation was a big part of Thompson's voice, but not (I believe) because he wanted to be alienated. HST wrote very movingly about participating in the thrillingly inclusive group energies of the 1960s. He just didn't really fit in very well to anyone else's scene. He was a bit too charismatic, clean-cut and bizarre on his BSA, with his cigarette holder, to blend in with the Hell's Angels. He needed to be the center of attention too much to comfortably share the spotlight in rooms where other luminati of the day were having their moments -- rock stars, politicians, the various and infamous. Thompson was trapped, somewhat, in the limbo between Journalist and Personality: the neither-nor underworld of the rock-star scribe, who wields a little too much personal gravity to yield the focus to a subject other than himself.
But nobody wanted Thompson to stop talking about himself -- we loved living vicariously and seeing the world through his yellow target-range aviator lenses. He was our reluctant superhero of ultra-decadence. The contexts in which Thompson was placed (in a younger, finer world, when Rolling Stone had the balls and decency to trust the untrustworthy for the sake of Thor's whipsong, faxed to the editor on paper napkins in scrawls illegible) were really just an excuse to hear more of him, commenting on anything. It wasn't that his subjects were so terribly important, or even timely -- his deadlines came and went -- it was the verbal synapse-connections -- poison flowers that could only blossom from an overheating brain: Teeth like baseballs, eyes like jellied fire ... shoot the pasties off an 8-foot bull dyke and win a cotton-candy goat ...
Sure, the man had been dehydrated since 1971; he needed electrolytes and proteins and Thorazine and antidepressants and probably something for his ailing joints because he probably had no cartilage in his knees or hips at all, and a whole host of other difficulties that comes of applying a lifelong scorched-earth policy to your mind and body. Thompson was old, and life had finally become sufficiently uncomfortable for him to check out.
I think it is improper and disrespectful to whine about this suicide. Thompson was in the game for a very, very long time, and I think it is a safe bet that he was never comfortable. This was a profoundly tortured guy, the smoke from whose ears always made a whole lot of exciting colors that we all enjoyed. It was a great brain to watch but you wouldn't want to live in it, I'd aver. He was a butch motherfucker and I'd bet cash he stuck it out significantly longer than he really wanted to. Let's face it, HST was not one for the nursing home -- he'd have just stolen everyone else's barbiturates and hurt people trying to arm-wrestle.
May the kindly trickster gods collect you, Hunter Thompson, and drive you to where the buffalo roam, where your mind can unspool itself forever and your spirit can go on groping unsuspecting tits and trashing hotel rooms. You have earned it, Golden and Immortal Son of Classic Letters. Rest in Whatever You Would Prefer to Peace. We, the filthy and leaderless children who cherish your legacy, salute you, and will honor you with every bullet fired out of our car windows toward the unmarked desert sky.


We will miss you Doc.

Monday, February 21, 2005

"Try and sell this on Ebay you fucking swine!"

The Doctor is out.

After a busy and tiring weekend this was not the best news to start the week with. 67 yr old Hunter S. Thompson of Woody Creek Co. put a gun to his head and took his own life last night. His son Juan found the body. Suicide may seem fitting to people who did not know much about Hunter but to me it doesn't fit at all. Granted, I am no Thompson expert but he is well known for being fearless and brave, handling anything the pigs or the opposition could throw at him. Booze, Drugs, Rape and assault charges couldn't even put a chink in this gonzo Captain's armor. Or so it appeared anyway.

I was first introduced to the wonderfully world of "Gonzo Journalism" by my cousin Rick. GJ is this wacky 1st person writing style of streched truth's and warped observations that bridge the gap between fiction and straight news. That's how I looked at it anyway. Rick had published some 'zines like Mental Floss and The Gonzo Gazzette with obvious influences from Thompson, Kerouac and Wolfe. These were my first glimpses at this writing style. When I finally picked up a battered copy of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I was well primed and ready to find out what Gonzo was all about. Rick handed me the book and said something like "Its your duty to read this. Everything will come into focus afterward. You will be hooked." I sat in that cabin in the woods of Northern California and ate up that book. It was the funniest, freakiest and wonderfully written adventure I had ever read. No dragons, no wizards, no clowns who lived in the sewer just two crazy guys, one a sports writer the other a 300 Lb Samoan Attorney with a bag of drugs and a pint of devil ether. It made me all of a sudden want to rent a big red convertible, grab my cousin and all the booze, drugs and grapefruit and hit the road on our way to the city of lights. We didn't do it that day but we have more than made up for it with many gonzo adventures. At times I even went as far as to make sure we dressed and acted the part right down to the Hawaiian shirts,grapefruits and Rick's long cigarette holder. Our Daytona adventure I think was the closest we ever came to pure madness. Pure Gonzo fear and loathing. These were great times and I think of them often.

So why did he do it? Maybe within a few days we will find out he had terminal Cancer or Parkinsons. Maybe Alzheimers. I don't know. Thompson just didn't strike me as the type to take the back door out of town. I wont even start to analyze suicide. I used to rant against it, thinking it the utmost highest rank of cowardice. I said the same things about medicating ones self to escape reality. Now I sit here and can honestly say medication saved my life. As far as suicide, these thoughts soon change after people you know personally take their lives. You start to see things a little different. You Try to look through their eyes and understand. Sometimes you do.We probably will never know why Hunter left us. People have made hiding pain an artform.

One time I asked my cousin what he would say to Thompson if he ever met him. He told me that he didn't really want to meet him. Like a lot of us we have this fear of meeting someone we look up to or who has influenced us so much and when we do they disappoint us. Maybe they turn out to be an asshole, or rude or have bad breath. Who knows? I think I know what he meant. We have all met Thompson. We have met Duke and Oscar and Steadman. We've met Nixon and Humphrey and rode with the Hells Angels. We shot TV's at Owl Farm and drank rum and harassed the local pigs. We have met all the wacky people that he wrote about and we see them everyday. We live in the same world as he did except it took a special pair of eyes to see it the way the Doctor did. He will be greatly missed.

5 hours later...I went on EBAY to see how bad the vultures are picking apart the good Doctor's still warm corpse. First thing I notice is a used paperpack of the movie tie-in of Fear and Loathing already going for $22.00 plus $5 shipping with 11 bids. A quick look on and you can have the same damn edition brand new for $9.00 My favorite of all is a 4" x 5" decal of the Gonzo fist. It has a current bid of 55 DOLLARS! For a sticker a guy made on his PC for 5O cents.

Pure Madness. Just the way he liked it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Part One

I hate spam. Not the delectable lunch loaf that is worshipped in Hawaii but the stupid email that fill's up our inboxes. I know we all hate it but sometimes they can be funny. I never even look at the shit unless it tricks me into reading it. This one was disguised as an email from a reputable online store. When I opened it it was just some bullshit for CHEAP SOFTWARE!! But at the bottom of some Spam is where you find the funny stuff. All these keywords jumbled together, some kind of spammers code I guess. Here is the CHEAP SOFTWARE's one:

Use both say together what round. Serve live, farm began say.Side, industry, right point. Wheel receive, earth. Don't tradeforce. One bird hear. Milk mountain, far came cat part. Inchvoice but. Vary hunt allow forest, job boy. Turn, port home run.Degree to, friend each, add. Them, power paint. Thought governsoil measure, word. Lie ship fight space ball, heard.

What the fuck?? Haha. I love it. I think for now on I will post random Spam codes. Hopefully these are not some kind of CIA or NSA special hidden communications between undercover agents deep inside enemy territory. If I disappear seek out Dr. Gonzo in the desert. When you find him tell him the password is "Schnecke!". He will know what to do.

More later.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

one more..

You Are the Very Gay Bert and Ernie!

Two grown puppets living together, sleeping in the same room?
They've even got coordinating striped shirts!

I never knew

Your Penis Name is: Free Willy

Post Valentine Syndrome

Well I didn't write yesterday. Valentine's Day is silly really. I mean when I was 16 it was a big deal. You bought you're sweety a Teddy bear and she gave you a handjob. It was all good. At my age it goes beyond that. Well this year, for the first time in my life I plunked down some coin and bought Jess a Diamond ring. Not an engagement ring (though that's everyone's reaction) but a decent little rock that she can be proud of. She was very happy and she deserved it. It felt good to make her happy. I would have done it on any day. Boxer day, Saint Colon's day, National Mongloid Walmart Greeter day. It doesn't matter. Its just another day. Just so happens it was a good one this year.

My co..errr someone left a comment to my last post. It was good to hear from him. Currently he is on the lam and we cannot disclose his whereabouts. We shall be hearing more from him on these pages. I look forward to it and so should you.

Speaking of that someone I mentioned I was going to read the novel "Into the Wild" the story about Christopher Mccandless, a 24 year old college educated guy who traveled the country on a Tolstoy inspired journey, living with nothing and exploring the limits of what one person can endure in the "wild". Or something like that. Just read the book. I thought it was a great read and still have trouble forming an opinion on the guy. I really don't think he meant to die, yet when you read the book anyone with common sense would have followed the river until it was passable. Well if you haven't read the book you wont have a clue to what I'm talking about just buy it and read it. If your a cheap bastard just follow the link in a previous post and read the article. We may even be graced with a first hand account of someone who met Mccandless on part of his journey. That's if he can contact us from his remote location which happens to sound eerily like the bus Mccandless died in.

This past weekend was decent. Sat down to a Lobster dinner on Sunday with Jess and the folks. Met Rodney Harrison, Safety for the Super Bowl Champion Patriots and got his autograph. Only $42! What a joke. I'm not complaining though, it was a fun day, sunny out, driving around with a couple friends who were still half drunk from the night before. We had lunch at Hooters. I think our waitress was slightly retarded. Cute but not all there. We tipped her $20.

So when I go home today "The Directors Cut of Donnie Darko" will be awaiting me from our good pals at I look forward to seeing that. Speaking of movies this brings us to some more movie reviews.

"Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"
Starring a Korean guy and an Indian.

Fuck.Puff.puff. Fuck.Im Hungry.Puff.Puff.
Tits!Puff,Puff,Two Girls Shitting,Puff,Puff
Jaime Kennedy,Puff,Tits,Puff,Racoon.Shit
Puff,Puff,Doogie Howser,Puff,Fuck Shit
Ride the cheetah,Fuck,Puff,hmmmWhite castle burgers....
Harold and Kumar go to Amsterdam...I doubt it.

That is my movie review. If you've seen it then you know I'm right, if you haven't seen it then you just did. If you smoke a lot of pot and thought "American Pie" was too "artsy" then this is for you. Then again if you just want a silly stupid goofball romp then have at it. I did.

I also watched a Blair Witch type Docudrama entitled "The September Tapes" about a Documentary filmmaker traveling to Afghanistan a year after Sept. 11th to track down those responsible. It was actually filmed in Afghanistan and at times comes across as fake but seems utterly real the next. The ending stinks of "Blair Witch" and the great movie Blair ripped off, "84 Charlie Mopic" so bad that the final spoken audio, though gripping, loses its impact greatly. A little too long but may work on a Sunday afternoon. Its worth a rent though and the extras are decent.

Well I decided to make this a longer post since I didn't write yesterday. That's enough for now. Back to work.

Friday, February 11, 2005

"Blow up the Outside World"

That's an old Soundgarden song title. I thought of that today as I read on how North Korea has said "Fuck YOU!" to the USA as far as stopping their Nuke program. In fact they joyously exclaimed that they do indeed have Nukes. Today the Sha of Iran also said "Fuck You!" to Georgy Porgy and the good ole USA, check it:
"The whole Iranian nation is united against any threat or attack. If the invaders reach Iran, the country will turn into a burning hell for them," he added, as the crowd, braving heavy snow, chanted "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!."
Sweet! Why the hell are these guys so stupid?? If I was Kim Jong Ill or whatever the fuck his name is or this stinky towel head in Iran I would team up and FUCK BUSH UP. Think about it. What would we do if North Korea invaded South Korea tomorrow? Besides the horror and loss of over 30,000 American Soldiers who would be overrun and slaughtered by the 1.5 Million North Koreans sitting on the DMZ what would happen? Are we gonna Nuke North Korea? No. We would wipe out South Korea in the process and really piss off Russia and another no fuckin joke country called China. So we would use airstrikes, maybe tactical small nukes. But, just as we are trying to figure out what the hell to do in the Korean peninsula BAM!!! Iran goes batshit and Invades Iraq and Afghanistan! What a cluster fuck!!! We couldn't use Nukes because we have way to many troops in the region not to mention the precious oil and Saudi buttfuckers Bush so lovingly bows down to! So England and 150 Troops from the Outback would join in the fray, France and Germany would say "Fuck Off!" we aren't stupid and stay out. So know China says fuck it! All this Madness on our doorstep we have to protect the motherland so they join up with North Korea to form the largest ARMY ON THE FUCKIN PLANET. Around 5 Million ACTIVE soldiers with more skill and equipment per soldier then the entire Iraqi army had put together. What would ole Georgy do now?Nuke China? I don't think so. China has more than enough Nukes to sink England,Japan and any other allies they can reach. Hundreds of thousands of US troops dead, our forces in disarray, scattered across the globe and somewhere in a smelly cave in Pakistan Bin Laden is getting a hummer from one of his L.T's and smiling. Pretty fucked up huh? Just think a minute and wonder if Georgy thinks about any of this. Of course he doesn't. He thinks like most Americans do. We are the toughest country in the world! No one will fuck with us cause we got Nukes and a big army!! Well first off nukes don't mean shit if you cant use them and yes, we have the bravest, best trained and kind of best equipped army in the world but right now they are spread thin, morale is low and equipment is in high demand. If the above scenario actually happened all I can say is God forgive us.

What really pissed me off was the fact that North Korea can come out and say "We have Nukes, fuck you we will not disarm" and Iran can say " Kill the American Pig infidels" and we don't do shit yet we invade and fuck up a country because Saddam was an evil dictator and we thought he had some Mustard Gas hidden up a camels ass. I just don't get it. The Country's that are no real threat get invaded yet places like North Korea, China and Iran, country's that could fuck us up and put up a hell of a fight get a pass? Do this make the USA, once a great defender of the weak now just another Big Bully on the block? Makes me sad really.

Have a nice weekend :-)

Thursday, February 10, 2005

When it rains.....

On Sunday the 6th I was shouting and stomping along with 20 or so others at my friends Apt. as we witnessed a great defensive Super Bowl ending with another championship for our New England Patriots. This was the culmination of 48 hours of food, booze, drugs and very little of my precious sleep which my body so dearly needs. Unlike everyone else attending I had to go to work on Monday since I had just missed a day the previous week. Lo and behold I made it to work Monday, though nodding off and getting nothing accomplished I was proud of myself. That night after work I crashed hard and basically slept for 20 hours. No shot of making it to work on Tuesday. I called in sick and spent that night agonizing over the fact that I had missed another day and how was this going to effect my employment?? One can only wonder what its like to not have to worry about shit like that. "What? I'm fired??"
" Awesome!!!"
"Here's a spoon!"
"Why you ask?"
" So you can EAT MY ASS!"

The next day brought more disaster. Though I was still slightly skewed my truck decided to die on me again for no apparent reason. Now I was fucked.

So here we are on Thursday. I sit at work, back to the grindstone. Truck still fucked. Drove Jess's car here today since she has the day off. Snow is falling outside and the wind is howling. I am tired. Maybe overtired and under medicated I think. Either way I long for home. My boss was quite understanding about the last 2 days. Lady Luck shines on me again. She so often doesn't I'm quite chagrined.

I spent two days watching DVD's and sleeping. I watched the entire "American Pie" trilogy hence the "spoon" and "ass" comment above. Funny stuff, it took me back a few years. I was working and living in Mass. I still had good credit and had a whole week's paid vacation so I maxed out my Credit Cards. I had rented a huge extra cab Ford f150 and came to NH to party with my brother and friends. "American Pie 2" was the first movie I saw in "Chunky's Cinema" in Tilton NH. Its a theatre where you eat and can drink beers while lounging in huge Leather Lincoln Town Car Seats. Pretty cool at the time. I had just met a group of my brothers friends and we were partying with these girls at their parents house while they were away. I remember a few things, one I was freaked out cuz they were young and we had booze and other illegal sundries around, and this is where I first met my current girlfriend though it would be years before we got together. I don't know what it was but watching that movie just reminded me of having fun. Being in that theatre with a pitcher of beer, one of the girls recognizing us and coming over, flirting, all my friends laughing and my brother, cracking wise, still semi normal, this of course all before the dark times. I'm 30 now and have had enough of the dark times. That's what I call them, the dark times. It has a Tolkien ring to it you know. Makes it sound all mid-evil. Those days you don't dredge up because it brings all those corpses rolling out of the closet to sit and stink up your room, permeating your thoughts with their stench and conversation.
"Remember when you found out what she was saying about you?"
"Remember when you didn't go to that job because you were up doing drugs for three days at that Hotel?"
"Remember not going to the Hospital with her?"
So when are you going to take some responsibility junior???

Shit. I guess I felt like getting all morose for a second. I almost felt 15 again. Its like when you used to keep those journals and everything was negative, nothing your fault, the whole goddamn world was against you. Not anymore. Its every man for himself, EAT THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST!

Where the hell am I going with this? I don't know. I think I just got an Idea for a Novel.
Speaking of Novel's my cousin Rick just helped me pick one out to read this weekend and he doesn't even know it. On his website he writes about being found by Inuit's in Alaska. He was half frozen and babbling and one of the things he had said was "I'm looking for Chris McCandless, have you seen him?" The first time I read the name it sounded so familiar but I couldn't place it. So I threw the name into a search engine and what I found was an open invitation to a great read and hell of a story. go and read the article and this weekend I will read the book "Into The Wild." McCandless and people of his ilk are alien to me yet I'm drawn to something about them. Maybe ill find it in this book.

Oh yeah and Valentines day is coming. I have not received the ring I bought yet. I have one more day or I am screwed. She deserves this among many other things that I neglect on a daily basis. As I write this she is driving through snow to get my medicine so I may join the world of the living again. She keeps me out of the dark and for that I am gratious.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Another week vanquished

Ahhhh. Nothing better than 4:40 pm on a Friday. I can almost taste the Jim Beam and Ginger Ale sliding down my gullet, the tickle of a Valium on the back of my throat. Yes, I have made it through another work week and this weekend my friends is no ordinary one. Well at least not for Football Fans anyway and especially fans from New England and Philly. It is Super Bowl Weekend complete with the rah rah rah celebrations of American's who are really just happy to have another excuse to get drunk and eat lots of good food. A few posts ago I predicted a Patriot win over Pittsburgh, this weekend I take the Pat's again, 27-16. Oh yes it shall be!

I got my tax return. Just like Jess told me. "don't worry, it will probably plop right into your account Friday, just in time for us to shop all weekend!" So she said and so it became.

This hambone Ebayer is really pissing me off with my Diesel Jeans. Remember those?? Yeah me neither. It seems this guy lives in Brooklyn, NY. He sent the package by USPS Priority mail. Ok no problem. From NY to NH? Shit, 4 days tops. Well I finally got a blip when I typed in the tracking # on USPS.COM. It says they tried to deliver the package today, IN BROOKLYN NY??
Where the hell are these Jeans coming from? Surely Not Italy where they are made. Not for $65 for 2 pairs of $160 jeans. Anyway its getting really annoying. If I don't have a solution by Monday I'm demanding a refund. Fucking amateur's.

After the huge disappointment of "White Noise" I think I will give "Boogeyman" a shot this weekend at the multiplex. Its from Sam (Evil Dead) Raimi's production company. They had great success with "The Grudge" even though the original Japanese film "Ju-On-The Grudge" is far superior to the Americanized version. It always seems us silly Americano's need everything spelled out for us. If you've seen both versions you'd understand. Anyway I understand only one thong now. Its time to go home. Help me cheer on the hometown Pats! If anything itll give you a good excuse to get good and drunk on Sunday. Then again some of us don't need excuses.

They call us Alcoholics.

with luv,

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happy Hump Day

My back is throbbing. I awoke this AM actually feeling quite well for once and even had time to take a long shower and make myself extra presentable at work today since many "bigwigs" would be crawling through the office's today. Well I managed to pull something in my back, be it muscle or bone, in the shower. At least I think it was the shower. That's when it started hurting anyway. I took some aspirin before lunch. That seemed to dull it slightly but now its back with a vengeance. I need medicine and I need it fast. Percodan, endocet, darvocet any pretty little pill made for the basic purpose of killing the pain. I am 7 minutes away from requesting an early exit from work. Wish me luck.

Still haven't got my Tax money. Bloody IRS. They are toying with me. Brother Rydawg and family are scheduled for a visit this weekend. Hopefully he can stay for the Super Bowl. Jess got a small tattoo today. I t will be interesting to see. I also have now gotten myself into debt thanks to a diamond ring I purchased for her for Valentines Day. She has been bugging me for jewelry for a while now. I think she will be pleasantly surprised.

Ok that's it, my back is killing me. Bring on the meds.......I'm outta here!