Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Post Valentine Syndrome

Well I didn't write yesterday. Valentine's Day is silly really. I mean when I was 16 it was a big deal. You bought you're sweety a Teddy bear and she gave you a handjob. It was all good. At my age it goes beyond that. Well this year, for the first time in my life I plunked down some coin and bought Jess a Diamond ring. Not an engagement ring (though that's everyone's reaction) but a decent little rock that she can be proud of. She was very happy and she deserved it. It felt good to make her happy. I would have done it on any day. Boxer day, Saint Colon's day, National Mongloid Walmart Greeter day. It doesn't matter. Its just another day. Just so happens it was a good one this year.

My co..errr someone left a comment to my last post. It was good to hear from him. Currently he is on the lam and we cannot disclose his whereabouts. We shall be hearing more from him on these pages. I look forward to it and so should you.

Speaking of that someone I mentioned I was going to read the novel "Into the Wild" the story about Christopher Mccandless, a 24 year old college educated guy who traveled the country on a Tolstoy inspired journey, living with nothing and exploring the limits of what one person can endure in the "wild". Or something like that. Just read the book. I thought it was a great read and still have trouble forming an opinion on the guy. I really don't think he meant to die, yet when you read the book anyone with common sense would have followed the river until it was passable. Well if you haven't read the book you wont have a clue to what I'm talking about just buy it and read it. If your a cheap bastard just follow the link in a previous post and read the article. We may even be graced with a first hand account of someone who met Mccandless on part of his journey. That's if he can contact us from his remote location which happens to sound eerily like the bus Mccandless died in.

This past weekend was decent. Sat down to a Lobster dinner on Sunday with Jess and the folks. Met Rodney Harrison, Safety for the Super Bowl Champion Patriots and got his autograph. Only $42! What a joke. I'm not complaining though, it was a fun day, sunny out, driving around with a couple friends who were still half drunk from the night before. We had lunch at Hooters. I think our waitress was slightly retarded. Cute but not all there. We tipped her $20.

So when I go home today "The Directors Cut of Donnie Darko" will be awaiting me from our good pals at I look forward to seeing that. Speaking of movies this brings us to some more movie reviews.

"Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"
Starring a Korean guy and an Indian.

Fuck.Puff.puff. Fuck.Im Hungry.Puff.Puff.
Tits!Puff,Puff,Two Girls Shitting,Puff,Puff
Jaime Kennedy,Puff,Tits,Puff,Racoon.Shit
Puff,Puff,Doogie Howser,Puff,Fuck Shit
Ride the cheetah,Fuck,Puff,hmmmWhite castle burgers....
Harold and Kumar go to Amsterdam...I doubt it.

That is my movie review. If you've seen it then you know I'm right, if you haven't seen it then you just did. If you smoke a lot of pot and thought "American Pie" was too "artsy" then this is for you. Then again if you just want a silly stupid goofball romp then have at it. I did.

I also watched a Blair Witch type Docudrama entitled "The September Tapes" about a Documentary filmmaker traveling to Afghanistan a year after Sept. 11th to track down those responsible. It was actually filmed in Afghanistan and at times comes across as fake but seems utterly real the next. The ending stinks of "Blair Witch" and the great movie Blair ripped off, "84 Charlie Mopic" so bad that the final spoken audio, though gripping, loses its impact greatly. A little too long but may work on a Sunday afternoon. Its worth a rent though and the extras are decent.

Well I decided to make this a longer post since I didn't write yesterday. That's enough for now. Back to work.


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