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BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bush speaks and more on Hunter.

Yesterday Georgy Porgie was in Europe, skillfully trying to mend fences he broke when we invaded Iraq. Germany and the Frog's especially were upset that we would invade the country where they had made so much money breaking embargo's and UN sanctions. Even though I still do not support the war in Iraq I could care less what the Germans and the stinky French think. I apologize for my third grade racism but I have a deep seated hatred for the French that I do not feel like going into here. Anyway back to our favorite idiot savant. When Bush was asked about our intentions to invade Iran he said that thoughts of an invasion were "ridiculous!," but "all options are on the table." Huh?

Today he tried to clear this up but made it even more muddy. He added,"Iran is not Iraq. Diplomatic methods are just starting." No shit Iran is not Iraq. Iran poses much more of a threat than Iraq did. Militarily and Humanitarian. Iran currently ranks as "Not Free" by Iranians cannot change their government and do not vote for the head of the country. Women are extremely limited in their roles in government and are not allowed to leave the country without the husbands permission. Of course they are not allowed to show their faces in public. This is true to for our pals in Saudi Arabia also, another country with horrific human right conditions and ranked as "Not Free". Did I mention Iran they has a great Nuclear Weapons program and a hell of an army? They have also told us to "fuck off" in not so many words. Oh well. There's always Syria.

Also the Religious Right of America, those fine folks who showed up to the polls in droves are now looking for their piece of the political pie. Today on NPR, Pat Robertson made it clear that he expects the Republicans to do everything in their power to get right wing, conservative Judges elected to the Supreme Court. The objective of course is to overturn Roe VS Wade among other things. If they fail in this Robertson will have a hard time "using my TV Networks to raise more money for the party."
He also feels that Judges should be voted in by the public not appointed by Legislator's. He may think jerking off is a sin but he's not stupid. If there was ever a vote on abortion in this country we pro-choicer's or (baby killers as the religious right calls us) would be trounced. Not because the majority of the country is pro-life but because the right would be out in force for the vote again much like this past election. Choose or lose? Damn straight.

Last but not least a few more words on Hunter. As most of us thought the old guy was suffering quite a bit in his last days. The following from CNN.COM adds to our suspicions:

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Journalist Hunter S. Thompson did not take his life "in a moment of haste or anger or despondency" and probably planned his suicide well in advance because of his declining health, the family's spokesman said Wednesday.

Douglas Brinkley, a historian and author who has edited some of Thompson's work, said the founder of "gonzo" journalism shot himself Sunday night after weeks of pain from a host of physical problems that included a broken leg and a hip replacement.

"I think he made a conscious decision that he had an incredible run of 67 years, lived the way he wanted to, and wasn't going to suffer the indignities of old age," Brinkley said in a telephone interview from Aspen. "He was not going to let anybody dictate how he was going to die."

This last part made me smile:The family is looking into whether Thompson's cremated remains can be blasted out of a cannon, a wish the gun-loving writer often expressed, Brinkley said.
"The optimal, best-case scenario is the ashes will be shot out of a cannon," he said.

I wish I could be there for that.


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