Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Near Whiteout Conditions

"Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)
The shame The ones who died without a name
Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!)
And bleed, the company lost the war today

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday"-Holiday-Green Day

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanks to all who stop by and read my silly blog. Hope you all and yours have a great day. Here in NH this a.m. its snowing hard out making us wonder just how many folks will make it to dinner! Its almost a whiteout.

So I put the Green Day quote above since it's probably my favorite song and album of the year even if pop radio is killing it. Green Day's -American Idiot is quite simply an incredible and timely album especially with everything that is going on in the world right now and Holiday is a classic modern anti-war song. Be sure to pick up Green Day's new double live disc "Bullet in a Bible". Its an incredible live performance of all of American Idiot plus their other hits on CD and a awesome live DVD concert from England. Highly Recommended from the Beefmiester.

Have a great day,


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Have a non offensive Turkey Day

So how festive can we really feel this holiday season? We still live in a bitterly divided country where smear tactics and political hate infect the very fabric of our people. We are one messed up country folks. While people lined up for days to get their hands on the new X-Box 360 game console from Microsoft the debate in the House of Representatives was reaching its boiling point. The White House sent Dick Cheney up to the plate to basically call all who oppose the war in Iraq as unpatriotic, anti American and against our troops. Cheney's comments were insulting to say the least.

On the House floor in Washington Rep. John P. Murtha (D-PA) called for the immediate redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq and immediately generated heated debate and retaliation from the right. Murtha, a decorated Vietnam Vet and former POW said "The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. The American public is way ahead of us. The United States and coalition troops have done all they can in Iraq, but it is time for a change in direction. Our military is suffering. The future of our country is at risk. We can not continue on the present course. It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interest of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf Region."

His plan called for:

To immediately redeploy U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces.
To create a quick reaction force in the region.
To create an over- the- horizon presence of Marines.
To diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq

The Republicans fumed. They sent out Cheney to bark back:

"What is not legitimate -- and what I will again say is dishonest and reprehensible -- is the suggestion by some U. S. Senators that the President of the United States or any member of his administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence. Some of the most irresponsible comments have come from politicians who actually voted in favor of authorizing the use of force against Saddam Hussein. These are elected officials who had access to the intelligence materials. They are known to have a high opinion of their own analytical capabilities."

Notice that Cheney included "misled by The President OR any member of his administration".
He should have just included the President. Anyone with half a brain knows that the intelligence was bent and molded to fit what the administration fed us as "Overwheming evidence". Remember Colin Powell at the UN and all the cool photos of fuel rods and Mobile chemical weapon labs???
And who can forget this ditty-"Saddam Hussein is harboring terrorists and the instruments of terror, the instruments of mass death and destruction. And he cannot be trusted. The risk is simply too great that he will use them, or provide them to a terror network," President Bush said in Cincinatti in 2002

The Republicans right wing radio mouthpieces gleefully joined the Republican hate parade calling Murtha "an opportunist" and "the useful idiot of the moment"

Cheney was a bit late in trying to mend the administrations disaster in Iraq. Opinion polls show that 55 to 57 percent of Americans believe the Bush administration was intentionally misleading in the run up to war. That kind of mistrust is why the question of the administration's integrity has become a part of American politics. Whether or not Democrats voted to go or not just shows that they believed the same hogwash most of the country believed when over 66% agreed to go after Hussein. So why cant a Congressman changed his mind?

Rather than address any of the allegations against the administration, however, Cheney used a handful of regurgitated arguments and age old assertions to make his points. And he took no questions.

So the Republicans introduced their own measure calling for the "immediate withdrawal of all troops" with no viable timetable attached unlike Murtha's measure. Murtha's resolution, which cited polling data, the cost of the war, and the rising American death toll, called for the redeployment of U.S. forces "at the earliest practicable date," the maintaining of strategic military presence in the region, and continued diplomatic efforts in Iraq.

The Republicans resolution contained a single line: "Resolved, [t]hat it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately."

The Republicans measure was soundly voted down just as they had planned. The right wing media machine jumped on this at once claiming that it was Murtha's measure that was voted down. It wasn't. The Republican version was voted down and of course it was significantly different than Murtha's. This of course did not stop Fox News Sean Hannity and John Gibson to report on Fox that Murtha's measure was "voted down". Murtha's was never even voted on. Fair and balanced indeed.

Of course how could a political beef be complete without Fox News Right Wing Whore Bill O'Reilly spewing more shit smelling vile from deep inside his spitefull belly O' hate. This time though I agree somewhat with Bill's argument. Well sort of.

He has been going off on retailers that have changed their Holiday greeting policy. Major retailers such as KB Toys and FAO Schwarz will now use the greeting "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" so they wont offend people of other faiths who do not celebrate Christmas. I find this pretty stupid myself. The vast majority of Americans celebrate Christmas. Though Christmas is a "religious" holiday, if you asked 90% of American kids today what Christmas represents they will say "presents!" Either way retailers that feel the need to offend Christians in order to not offend the minority so they can save sales is idiotic. I am not a practicing "Christian" and even I find this silly. I am not going to get my panties in a bunch over it though. If it truly offended me I would shop elsewhere. That's my choice and its KB Toys choice however skewed it may be.

Well, Bill O'Reilly will have none of this. Listen to Bill swill the hate on Fox News: Bill O'Reilly claimed that "it's all part of the secular progressive agenda ... to get Christianity and spirituality and Judaism out of the public square." He then added: "because if you look at what happened in Western Europe and Canada, if you can get religion out, then you can pass secular progressive programs, like legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage, because the objection to those things is religious-based, usually."
This guy is out in left field. He is truly a warped individual. I am sure FAO Shwartz will have an abortion booth and a gay marriage chapel added soon. Bill needs to lay off the coffee. Bill believes that the retailers "understand the anger that's going to be engendered by millions of Americans who believe that their cherished holiday is being denigrated, disrespected."

I haven't yet run into many of the "millions of Americans" yet who are going to take to the streets this holiday to put the "Christmas" back in "Merry" but once I see them I will report it here. One thing is for sure if some parent can get their greedy hands on an Xbox 360 for Junior you can bet they will buy it from "Habeebs house of Satanic Fist Fucking" if they have too!. Happy Chanuka!!

Enjoy your Turkey Day and be sure not to insult any poultry in the process.

Being Merry,

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Call to Arms!!

Thats it. I cant take it anymore. I need to scream this loud so the whole world can hear me. I HATE BILL OREILLY"S FAT POMPOUS ASS! I usually try not to let these things bother me so much. I am a moderate, a progressive Independent. I cant stand lefty democrats and I despise the radical right but Bill O'reilly trancends all definitions. He is quite simply a piece of filth ridden shit. The more I hear him talk and listen to his lies and his constant spinning of the facts I want to puke. Everyone has the right to speak their mind but this jack ass acts like HE IS THE TRUTH! Only on his lame radio show and atrocious TV program can you hear the truth and enter the "no spin zone!" No spin zone??? Give me a break.

The biggest thing is that he chastises ANYONE who dares to lie or distort the truth yet that is all this man does day in and day out.
He has been in the news lately after calling for Al Queda to blow up San Fransisco because they banned Military Recruitment in Non Federal funding School Campuses. You can see his actual quote in my last post. There is currently a Boycott in effect that i will tell you more about later but for now peruse this true story. Back in 2003 Bill Oreilly started a "fake book" race. This is a perfect example of the kind of person Bill Oreilly is.

Back in September 23, 2003, Bill O’Reilly’s latest book, "Who's Looking Out For You?," hit bookshelves across the United States. Mr. O. was in all his pompous glory as he predicted he would debut at the top of the New York Times Best-Seller List. He tirelessly pitched his book day after day on his television program, ensuring a self-fulfilled prophecy. Indeed, Bill debuted in the top spot and promptly reminded his viewers of his prediction.

There was a problem, though. Books penned by liberals Al Franken and Michael Moore were suddenly knocking him from the perch his ego fondly calls home. This was problematic for Mr. O and his fragile psyche. So, how could Bill pump up book sales? Well, he could peddle it every single fucking day on the his highly rated cable news program. Consider it done. Still, there must be a way to sell more. But how?Although his arch-rival Al Franken's satirical book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" proved to be his greatest competition, Bill seemed more preoccupied with Hillary Clinton's "A Living History."

Suddenly, he announced there was a race between sales of his book and Clinton’s. It was a curious race to be sure. Why was there a race? Why would the race be with Hillary and not Al Franken, who put a rather nasty photo of Mr. O on the cover? In fact, Mr. Franken dedicated an entire sectionof his book to O'Reilly's lies. But would a race with Al Franken help his book sales? Probably not. Who would Bill be able to position his book against? Enter Hillary, the long-established whipping bitch of the lunatic right. Soon phrases like "If you don't want Hillary to win ..." were casually thrown about. It was clear the race was going to be a heated one, except for the inconvenient fact that Ms. Clinton apparently had no idea she was in it. Still, it was up to "the folks" to show her.

Bill had found a whole new way to tap into the common man’s latent love of literature: spite.

Just out of the starting gates, however, ol’ Bill was already looking like a longshot. Hillary had quite a head start. How could Bill win? It looked bleak, but then some stunning surprise evidence surfaced.In the December 16 installment of "The O’Reilly Factor’s homage to Voltaire, The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day, glad tidings came from the heartland’s humblest of outposts: Costco."While I was signing (the book), a Costco manager handed me a sheet of paper with sales figures. As you know, we are in a fight with Hillary Clinton for bestselling non-fiction book of the year. Since September, in Costcos across the country, ‘Who's Looking Out for You?’ has sold 96,000. Hillary's book has sold less than 9,000 copies. Ninety-six thousand. Nine thousand. We've got a real shot at overtaking Mrs. Clinton. We have two weeks to do it. Ridiculous? Only if you're rooting for her. "

Okay, there are like ninety things wrong with this statement. Here are three:
1. "As you know, we're in a fight"? What the fuck is he talking about? Who started the fight? Does Hilary know this thing has escalated from a fake race to a fake fight? It is becoming abundantly clear that Bill needs to up his meds.
2. Are the sales at a single Costco a representative sampling of total book sales?
3. "Only if you're rooting for her?" People are rooting? Rooting for what? Seriously, he's fucking nuts.

With two weeks left in the year, conservative web journalist Matt Drudge got hold of the sales figures and reported that O'Reilly wasn't even close to hitting Clinton's number. In fact, he was also getting slaughtered by Franken. This report would infuriate O'Reilly to no end. He stopped at nothing to spin this one, which is odd since as I said before, Bill says he detests "spin" and claims to only rely on factual information. Drudge, who simply reported the Nielsen numbers, was all but spin-proof in this case. The only facts O'Reilly had seen fit to report thus far had been meticulously gleaned from a Long Island Costco manager.

On December 18, the fake race was once again the subject of The Most Ridiculous Item of The Day ... ironic, I know. "As for the race between Hillary's book and ‘Who's Looking Out?’ we are closing in. Broadway Books has gone back for a sixth printing since September, bringing the total of ‘Who's...’ in print to close to a million. The senator has sold around a million, but a good amount of those were purchased by the Democratic National Committee. That doesn't count, Senator."

Okay, I hate to use chat jargon, but ROTFLMAO. "That doesn't count, Senator" is truly a classic line. Is he serious? Is he sending her a personal message? Is he accusing her of cheating in the race? THE FAKE FUCKING RACE!!??!?? His fans are morons … Sorry, I meant to say "fucking morons."

Friday, December 19, 2003: O'Reilly is at it again:"The Palm Beach Post is reporting that Senator Hillary Clinton signed books for hundreds of people down in Florida -- but the average time they gotwith her? Each person? (just) eight seconds. Eight! Whoa. Mrs. Clinton has had time to do scores of signings around the country, but I've only had time to do four because I have to work. I'd love to be down there in South Florida signing copies of ‘Who's Looking Out for You?’ Believe me, you'd get more than eight seconds with me, although some folks think that's too much time."

Classic O'Reilly. First he says Hillary isn't spending enough time with each person at her book signings and then in the next fucking sentence he says Hillary is spending all this time running around the country doing signings while he has to "work"... implying she doesn't... or that she's at least shirking her duties. So she's ONLY spending eight seconds with each person, but she shouldn't be spending ANY time with them at all. So what is his point? And then my favorite part: Even though he can't spend any time with you the viewer at a booking signing, he promises he'd spend more time with you than dumb ol' Hillary did, but he can't. WHAT?

On Friday, January 2, 2004 he reiterates why he's losing the fake race. Apparently he's too busy looking out for the folks. "I've received a ton of letters asking why I don't travel around the country doing signings for ‘Who's Looking Out for You?’ Hillary Clinton has dozens of events for her book, and the smear people are all over the place. But I have to work doing both radio and TV daily, and air travel throughout the USA is brutal." Poor, poor Bill.

So the race is over. Wow, it must have been a close one. Bill tried so hard to win. Maybe he did. Maybe it was close. Even if Hillary won, it was because she cheated. I searched for the published results of book sales for 2003. Would Bill be one ahead of Hillary? Did he win in spite of his fake nemesis’ lies and cheating? Would he be just a shade behind Hillary? Yeah, but then he could still claim moral victory because of all the DNC copies.

The final results of 2003 book sales were printed in the March 22nd issue of Publisher's Weekly.

Hillary Clinton: 1,546,000
Bill O'Reilly: 932,750

You see, Bill is a piece of shit liar. The whole fucking thing was a lie from the beginning. He wasn’t even fucking close. And the really nice part of all this is that he personally made money off of every fool who believed it and rushed out to buy another book. Well, at least he's stealing from stupid, stupid people. And when I say that, I mean "the folks."

Well, Bill lost the race, although I don’t believe he has ever admitted to it. I think he just moved the finish line to some secret date in the future. Not a specific date yet. Just a date when he can say that he has sold more books than Hillary. It’ll be nice for the people who are rooting.

On January 8, 2004; Bill still was delusional: "(Drudge) has repeatedly misled his readers about book sales. He quotes the Nielsen Group and says Hillary's book is this and that, the smear books are this and that, and O'Reilly's book doesn't measure up, na da da da da. Nonsense. And Drudge knows it. "

Okay, so Drudge quoted a report from the Nielsen company. He, unlike O’Reilly, didn’t make it personal at all. He quoted facts. Where did he say that O’Reilly’s book didn’t "measure up’? Oh, that’s right, Bill’s a delusional fuck whose paranoia, conspiracy theories and low self-esteem cloud nearly everything, especially reality. "This coming Sunday will mark the fifth week ‘Who's Looking Out for You?’ is number one on The New York Times bestseller list."

You see now, he's just nuts. It doesn't even matter who sold more books at this point. Bill's all alone in the race. He's just a pathetic ranting lunatic. He even got his publisher to fight his silly battle.
"My publisher actually sent Drudge a letter saying that the Nielsen company does not count book sales from many major department stores and other places. ‘Who's Looking Out for You?’ does great business in these venues. "

Well Bill, you’re right on this one, they don’t count your sales in those venues. But guess what? They don’t count Hillary’s either, you dumb fuck. So it’s a wash."

"For example, at Costco, we've outsold Hillary since September nine to one."

HOLY FUCK! The imbecile just brought up Costco again.

(thanks to, and for all the facts on the "spin master" himself!)


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Say Thank You to a Veteran

Yesterday was Veterans Day. To me this Holiday means so much more than all the rest. We thank the men and women who offer themselves up as the ultimate sacrifice for our liberty and freedom. No matter how we feel about the current conflict we all must remember that the veterans and our troops are the backbone of our freedoms. Without them the flag would fall and other countries would walk over us much like the Nazi's did to the useless French. In my opinion the WW2 generation was our countries greatest. Thousands of men joined the armed forces after Pearl Harbor and the entire country rallied around our President and our troops. Women went to work 60 hour weeks in factories to help the war effort, children collected cans and scrap metal and fuel oil was rationed so our tanks and planes had enough gas to crush the Nazi's in Europe and the Japs in the pacific. It was a most Patriotic time. Short newsreel films were showed before movies to keep the public informed of the war effort and to drum up help and support. My god how times have changed.

Now our men and women are dying in the desert and a lot of people really don't know why. There is no Patriotic furver, most children couldn't even point out Iraq on a map. Calling Saddam Hussein another Hitler is giving the piece of crap too much credit. Hitler nearly conquered all of Europe and Africa. Saddam was lucky to have total control of his country.

Either way I am not here to argue the war today. All veterans and members of our armed forces deserve our admiration whether they fought in highly respected conflicts like the World Wars or had to fight in misguided police actions like Vietnam, Korea or Iraq. I thank them all and so should you.

In other news lets see what the radical right was saying during the week when they should have shut their fat heads for just a day or 2 and been honoring our countries Veterans. Then again that's what these soldiers died for. Freedom of speech. I wonder if this is what they had in mind as they slogged through a distant jungle or hunkered down during a blizzard in France.

More negativity and hate from the same idiots.

"If Al Qaida comes in here and blows you [San Franciscans] up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
--Bill O'Reilly expressing his views that fags and liberal's need to be blown up by terrorist's.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover [Pennsylvania]: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city. ... God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever. ... If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
-- Pat Robertson damning Dover P.A to hell for passing a law that would teach Darwinism an ALTERNATIVE to creationism.

God bless America.

-J- to the-A