Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Say Thank You to a Veteran

Yesterday was Veterans Day. To me this Holiday means so much more than all the rest. We thank the men and women who offer themselves up as the ultimate sacrifice for our liberty and freedom. No matter how we feel about the current conflict we all must remember that the veterans and our troops are the backbone of our freedoms. Without them the flag would fall and other countries would walk over us much like the Nazi's did to the useless French. In my opinion the WW2 generation was our countries greatest. Thousands of men joined the armed forces after Pearl Harbor and the entire country rallied around our President and our troops. Women went to work 60 hour weeks in factories to help the war effort, children collected cans and scrap metal and fuel oil was rationed so our tanks and planes had enough gas to crush the Nazi's in Europe and the Japs in the pacific. It was a most Patriotic time. Short newsreel films were showed before movies to keep the public informed of the war effort and to drum up help and support. My god how times have changed.

Now our men and women are dying in the desert and a lot of people really don't know why. There is no Patriotic furver, most children couldn't even point out Iraq on a map. Calling Saddam Hussein another Hitler is giving the piece of crap too much credit. Hitler nearly conquered all of Europe and Africa. Saddam was lucky to have total control of his country.

Either way I am not here to argue the war today. All veterans and members of our armed forces deserve our admiration whether they fought in highly respected conflicts like the World Wars or had to fight in misguided police actions like Vietnam, Korea or Iraq. I thank them all and so should you.

In other news lets see what the radical right was saying during the week when they should have shut their fat heads for just a day or 2 and been honoring our countries Veterans. Then again that's what these soldiers died for. Freedom of speech. I wonder if this is what they had in mind as they slogged through a distant jungle or hunkered down during a blizzard in France.

More negativity and hate from the same idiots.

"If Al Qaida comes in here and blows you [San Franciscans] up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
--Bill O'Reilly expressing his views that fags and liberal's need to be blown up by terrorist's.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover [Pennsylvania]: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city. ... God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever. ... If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
-- Pat Robertson damning Dover P.A to hell for passing a law that would teach Darwinism an ALTERNATIVE to creationism.

God bless America.

-J- to the-A


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