Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Fast and Furious 4 Days

Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves fast, Sometimes you have to take the time to stop and look around." Or something to that affect. This couldn't be more true but lately I haven't had much time to look around. I have set myself into such a groove that even the slightest change throws me off course. The good news is my fitness routine is already showing results and I have been good at sticking to my programs. Unfortunately when something like shopping for a used car comes up it can throw your schedule of course. The search is over though and after much searching and realizing that in my price range I had to really balance my options I went for looks and speed over economics and long term investment. In other words I got myself a sports car with T-Tops to zoom around in for the time being. Its a Nissan 300zx (see photo), excellent shape for its age and I look forward to snazzing it up a bit and making it even more eye catching than it is now. Was a high mileage, older sports car the smart choice? Probably not but was it the fun choice? I think so and I bet Ferris Bueller would agree.

Did I mention I got back together with my girlfriend? Faithful Blog readers know all about my 2 plus year relationship that was recently deep sixed and it left me with a lot of choices to make. I basically decided that I wasn't ready to throw away 2 + years of my life and if others could overcome issues similar to mine why not me? I will admit if she hadn't came to me and pleaded her case so passionately the outcome of this weekend probably would have been different. I still love her but if she was willing to take time off from eatch other then so was I. That was my original plan at least. She didn't want to wait anymore and I made the decision to give it one more shot. Im going to be 31 years old soon. I am still in love with her, still happy to be around her so I made the obvious choice. I don't want to join the meat market. I'm too old for that crap. Not to mention that 90% of all females out there over 28 are divorced w/kids or single mothers. This is not the direction I want to head into. Ill take my chances and there wont be any "told ya so's" either. I know the gamble I take and even though the odds aren't in my favor I don't mind the risk. I look at it as I'm playing with the houses money now and I think it will pay off in the end.

The heat was brutal this weekend so the pool we had installed last year finally paid off even though Jess and I spent the weekend driving around looking at cars. Thank god that is over. Also we went and saw Land of The Dead on Friday night. It was very good though I have to see it again because the sound sucked and I still had a lot on my mind at the time. I don't have much to beef on today so consider this just a personal update. Hope everyone is well and surviving the heatwave if your on the east coast.

tomorrow the beefs continue...

P.S-Lord Duke! Call me at work!!!!!!


At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who isn't happy for you just isn't invited to the party! I hope you two are as ridiculously happy together as TomKat are!

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy for you Justin, hope things go great for the two of you.


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