Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Thursday, June 16, 2005

'Full a piss an' vinegar.'

When Steinbeck came up with that quote for the "The Grapes of Wrath" do you think he was sitting in traffic?

You get words today mainly because I am angry. I am writing this now in the heat of passion so excuse the fact that the grammar and spelling will most likely be worse than usual if that's possible.

Fuck Road construction. Fuck paving and fuck fat tattooed people waving orange flags at me. I know that our roads needs to be fixed. Potholes, cracks and faded center lanes need to be updated from time to time. You know what though? There is always construction going on right where you don't need it. Always. Never fails. We live in NH where frost heaves ruin our roads every miserable winter so it is expected that as summer rolls around out come the paving crews. So this means you have to plan you're morning and evening commute around this clusterfuck. For example; I live in a shitty town stuck 15-20 minutes on both sides from the main highway. If you want to get anywhere worth going you have to reach this highway. So if there is major paving anywhere between either of these routes you are screwed. Well it just so happens that as I write this there is one major paving operation right in the middle of my quickest and convenient route to work. If I choose the other way it will tack on 20 minutes of extra driving. Even that route is peppered with construction zones. I am trapped on all sides. Its a much less dangerous version of a minefield with me trapped in my fading S-10, my Hummer with no armor. Its slow going but I finally make it through. I was 15 minutes late today. I left 5 minutes earlier then usual because I though the bulk of the paving was done. I was wrong and sat in traffic for 20 minutes before banging a huge uturn and heading back to an alternate route. I was fuming. When I arrived at work I was going to kick my truck but stopped at the last moment. If had done that the bed of the pickup would have disintegrated into a giant pile of rust and faded paint chips. It isn't my trucks fault. It even isn't the pavers fault. In fact I don't know who to blame. That's what pisses me off even more. If I was Howard Hughes I would buy the state of NH and fire all the paving crews. Let the roads fall apart. Then that would give us all an excuse not to even go to work.
"Sorry boss, I cant make it across the West Side bridge! Why? Because the supports are cracked and last week old Jimmy Gantley fell through a pothole and was stuck up to his shoulders. It was horrible. Poor guy was stuck there for two days with no use of his arms. His wife had to feed him and keep the sun out of his eyes. She had to leave him for a few hours to tend to the kids at home and that's when the stray dogs got to him. It wasn't pretty!"

We have no choice though. Like Bon Scott said we gotta "Ride on, and on and on.."

(more coming today)



At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! It's about time you SERVICED your hungry fans, you MAD GENIUS OF GNUS, er, um NEWS! Remember what the man said (the good man, you know, somebody like Steinbeck or Hemingway, not THE MAN) .. a writer writes every day. You can do it. Even if it's one graph of gibberish. Take it from me. At least you don't have to write your own damn HTML!
- Dr. Yodelmouth Hippo-crate

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rube, this may help soothe those frost-heave blues:


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