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BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Friday, June 24, 2005

Oprah needs to shut the hell up:The Week in Review

So another week has passed us and nothing much exciting or ground breaking has been happening in the world. There was a neat story about an 11 year old boy who spent 4 days in the mountains of Utah all by himself and survived. Now that's one tough little cub scout. He would have been found earlier except he kept avoiding people because he was always told not to talk to strangers. It's too bad our society is so deranged that good advice can sometime lead to the wrong choices. One thing is for sure people continue to amaze me and everytime I think I have it bad I think of people like this kid surviving on his own and stories like Joe Simpsons. If they can survive those situations we suburban wimps really need to re-evaulate issues we think are tough.

Vice President Dick Cheney recently declared the insurgency in Iraq as "in its last throes". Yesterday a top Military official who actually knows what is going on in Iraq stated that in fact the terrorist insurgents are as strong, if not stronger then when we first began to occupy that nation. Someone needs to get their facts straight. Cheney is standing behind his statements claiming that Iraq "will be an enormous success story." Just like Korea, Vietnam and Somalia right Dick?

They have arrested another person in Aruba linked to the case of the Alabama girl who disappeared there over a month ago. They have arrested a Judge who just happens to be the Father of another one of the suspects. The fact is that the Aruban police have nothing on anyone except they know as well as we all do that this unfortunate girl is dead, at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. Most likely she was killed in a fit of passion or after refusing sex and someone helped get rid of the body. There will probably be two or three people charged with 3rd degree murder or manslaughter in the very near future. This isn't going to help Aruba's reputation but if anything I hope it saves some other drunk, innocent girl from leaving her friends behind and heading to the beach with strangers.

Now about Oprah Winfrey. Quite frankly she should just shut the fuck up. There is a high class luxury store in Paris called Hermes. No I never heard of the damn place either but then again I am no big fan of anything French especially a store whose name sounds like a sexually transmitted disease. Anyway, Oprah and her entourage tried to get in to shop after the store had closed. An employee of the store explained to them that they were closed and were setting up for a private PR event and she would be welcome back in when they re-opened. Well no one says no to the big O. She is claiming that this was a "crash" moment. I didn't know what the hell that meant either so I will explain. I guess there is a new film out called "Crash" that deals with race relations and if you are a minority you have a new catch phrase every time you feel you are being discriminated against. If a black man goes into a store and there is a sign that says "No Blacks allowed" that is a "crash" moment. Does this mean when I go into a 7-11 in Jersey and ask the clerk for a pack of Lucky Strikes and he says "Goonie goo hoo" am I experiencing a "crash" moment because it takes me an hour to purchase an item because this person cannot speak English? Oprah will tell her audience all about her "crash" moment when her show returns to the air in September. According to the bastion of truth in reporting "The NY Post" someone in Hermes mentioned they had problems with "North Africans" in the store recently. Does anyone think for a moment that the clerks in Hermes didn't recognize Oprah's fat ass when she and her entourage came walking into the store? Do you think Oprah looked like she just crawled out of the jungles of New Guinea? The cost of the fabric used to make her enormous panties could buy enough food to feed half of Africa. Why on earth would Hermes want to discriminate against one of the most well known African American women in the world? A women who could hold up a pile of dog shit in her hand during her program and say "I rub this shit all over my body. Its great for my skin!". Within 20 minutes millions of housewives across the country would be rubbing animal feces all over themselves. This is the power the great O wields. I think she is pissed because she didn't get her way and the store treated her like any other customer, Black ,white or plaid. So again, Oprah just shut the hell up and I only have one thing more to say about this.

Goonie fuckin goo hoo.

have a great weekend
try and stay positive



At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was driving the other day, and passing a travel agency...they have a special going on right now. A discounted trip to Aruba, how ironic.


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