Ramble rumble. I am just going to spew a little ok? Ready?
Here we go. Whoaa, look where youre aiming DICK!
First, I am happy to report my cuzin Rick,
newly published author and Gonzo Captain extraordinaire has returned from his "semi-forced" vacation of sorts. He needed time to clear his head and cleanse his soul after another tragedy so ironically reared its ugly head in his direction. His foray into the Mexican landscape is sure to make for some wonderful reading and you can sample bits
here. I am glad he is doing well and sounded great as I spoke to him tonight. We love ya cuz and am proud of you for fighting the good fight in the face of fucked up adversity. Now go out there and introduce the world to your talent. God knows we need it. (P.S-If you've stopped by from the recent link on
jigglebox.com the funny story he referred to is the post from Tuesday even though I hope I am funny everyday-"shameless ass kissing sounds" :-)
Second, It appears the "Media" has declared the Cheney shooting story to be
over. I didn't get that memo. Bite me! When I stop hearing about a jizz soaked dress you wont hear another word from me about old "Birdshot Big Time". Until then, I will suck all the life out of this silly story. Talk about the gang that couldn't shoot straight! Budump, splash! Hey, I'm here all night, don't forget to tip your waitress. Owooga!
I spoke to a woman named "Kathy" today at work. She wanted to purchase our product but was wondering if it "blacked out all lewd and immoral" content. I asked her if she meant parental controls. She said yeah but something more advanced. I asked her what she meant. She asked if it could tell if the movie or TV show was bad for kids. I asked her exactly what she meant as being "bad for kids?" She actually said "Anything that couldn't be talked about during Sunday Mass". It was then I realized just how much control Parents actually have over what their children watch at home these days. Every TV manufactured now is require to have the "V" chip installed now. For those who don't know, the "V" chip can filter programming based on those TV ratings you see now in the top left hand corner of your TV screen. There are 5 TV's in my home and ALL have the "V" Chip and they are not all new. The Cable box in the Living room has Parental Controls and locks and limits built into it. My Tivo has Parental Controls and channel Locks and content guides. So what the hell is "Kathy's" problem exactly? I think it is the fact that "mature" programming even exists that bothers her. She has every right in the world to control what her kids watch and trust me, there is some serious bullshit on TV especially during the day. Soap Operas, Jerry Springer, and of course innuendo laced dating shows.
"Where is the strangest place you have ever made whoopee?"
"Um...In the Ass?"
Still vomit inducing I know. But you see "Kathy" has all the tools at her disposal to keep her kiddies safe. "V" Chips, parental locks, fucking
Cleanfilms.com where she can go and rent hacked to shit movies with all the "bad" stuff edited out. Yet the "Kathy's" of the world want more. There is more control and "choice" over music, TV and movies then ever before in this country yet still they whine. Well Fuck "Kathy" and Fuck the FCC and Fuck anyone who wants to pass laws and boycott and ban things they have TOTAL CONTROL OVER in the first place. They have tits in commercials for laundry soap in the UK and we wonder why the whole world laughs at us.
Podcasting. It took me a while to look into this growing fad. As it became more and more popular I even considered getting some equipment of my own and turning the beeflog into a true audio experience! I have been told I would have a good "radio" voice, at least when I speak slow enough for peeps to understand me. Then I realized how dumb that idea was since I could barely get my posts up here lately. I couldn't imagine doing a podcast once a week. Anyway, I have been downloading some podcasts from (ugh)
I-Tunes since most are free and I can actually play them in my NON IPOD Mp3 player. Thank you Apple for not totally making everything on I-Tunes I-pod exclusive. (P.S- I have a
Creative Zen 20 GB Mp3 player and
Real Rhapsody Music Service. For $15 bucks a month I can fill my player with 10,000 plus songs and switch them out whenever I want. $.99 a song in Apples format with no unlimited transfer to my MP3 player? I think not! No offense to I-Pod and I-Tunes users out there but a lot of folks think I-Pods and I-Tunes are the only way to go and it isn't!) So it was refreshing to be able to download these podcasts and bring them with me in the car for my trips to work. My MP3 player runs through my tape deck (hey my Nissan Z is an 88, cut me some slack) so instead of suffering through the miserable right wing psychobabble which is the only political talk radio available in Cow Hampshire I can now listen to people with actual motor functions!! For anyone that enjoys the beeflog you have to download
Real Time with Bill Maher. It is the audio version of his HBO TV show. I grabbed up 2 of his previous shows and have not stopped laughing or pumping my fist and shouting, "You tell em Bill!" for three days now. Highly recommended even if you get to hear Spike Lee trying to explain how the Bush White House deliberately blew up the levees in NOLA. Great stuff!
Last but not least you know I couldn't go a whole post without one swipe at the religious right!
For that Jesus freak in your family, here is a great gift to give to that faithful one who has everything!
http://cgi.ebay.com/A-WELL_W0QQitemZ5667226645Have a good weekend. I think the pills are wearing off. Time for beddy pie.
Sweet dreams,
P.S- Don't you love Ps's? I updated my link section. Some random coolness to be found there. Happy hunting.