Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Monday, July 18, 2005

Funk Town

The last few weeks have been those types of weeks where all you want them to do is end as fast as thy can. You sit at work and concentrate on nothing but passing the time. I think I have been in one of those midsummer funks where you wish you were doing anything but what you are actually doing at the time. I have not returned emails, phone calls and haven't spoken to some people that I usually do on a regular basis. I have been lethargic, tired and all around spaced out. I am not sure what it is really but I am working through it. I think. I had all these great Ideas I wanted to accomplish and I haven't done shit. I think I just value my time so much that when the rare opportunity comes along when I have even 30 minutes to myself all I want to do is crawl into a ball and daydream. Then my phone rings or Jess needs something or something needs to be done. I know this sounds awfully selfish but I think everyone needs peace for themselves some times. The even more fucked up thing is I really do want to email or talk or spend time with these people! Its not that I don't like them or anything. I just can't seem to divvy the time up enough and then I just give up, shut off my phone and accomplish all the shit I need to do. Then next thing you know it's too late because you have to go to sleep for work and you have 14 messages on your voicemail. This weekend alone I tried to help plan a bachelor party, look after my Mothers house and animals, hang out with my brother, spend time with Jess, get some much needed info and talk with my Cousin Rick who has hiked over 100 miles by himself, set up a get together with my Dad who is up from Florida, get some stuff put up on Ebay cuz I need the extra cash and go see my friends band on Saturday night. I didn't even accomplish half of that. I even missed alot of the most important stuff. I especially aplogize to Rick for not even being able to call him back. I guess I do not work well under pressure at times. Sometimes I implode and crawl into that ball.
I am writing this to apologize to anyone who feels I have not been very social lately and if I didn't return any calls etc. Today I will be catching up at work (I have been neglecting this area also) and doing my best to get back to everyone. I know I have said this A DOZEN times but I will post daily (except for weekends) on here. I always come up with cool stuff to write about but then never do because I find myself off doing something else! Maybe I have A.D.D. Anyway don't give up on me. I will be back late today for some beefy fun.

Being Bi-Polar,



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