Random acts of Beef
Just a few things today. First off my cousin Rick has covered a few hundred miles of his CDT hike out west. I finally had a chance to have a live chat with him and got to interview him for his website. I am still working on transcribing it and once I do I will post it here and on his site, http://www.jigglebox.com.
I tried to read as much as I can. I am a news and information junkie. I try my best to keep up with current events and even pop culture to an extent. Sometimes I come across a story that didn't make national news but still resonates with me for one reason or another. On June 20th, in Chicago Illinois, three men,Michael Dahlquist, 39, John Glick, 35, and Douglas Meis, 29, all member of the Chicago indie music scene were all heading to lunch on break from the Shure microphone factory they all worked at. Just three regular Joes getting a bite to eat, no doubt talking about music and wondering if their respective bands would ever make it. As they waited at a red light they never got the chance to have those questions answered. That's when Jeanette Sliwinski, 23, an unemployed model with porn star looks plowed into their car at 70 MPH, deliberately trying to kill herself because she was "depressed" and had just had a fight with her mother. The three men were killed instantly, their bodies strewn across the intersection.
Sliwinski broke her leg.
She is due in court soon, charged with three counts of first degree murder. Technically she could get the death penalty. Quite frankly I believe she deserves it though we all know she wont get it. If her lawyers are good enough maybe they can convince the court she is crazy. After all who would be so fuckin stupid as to kill themselves in such a way to endanger so many innocent lives. I'm all for a persons right to off themselves but the minute you involve someone else you become a criminal and a murderer. That's all Jeanette Sliwinski is. She is a fucked up, selfish murdering cunt. I have no sympathy for anyone who cannot deal with their issues personally. Her dream of making a huge spectacle out of her suicide backfired when she made it out alive.
I would have gladly let her borrow my gun.
This is a much more positive story though it will most likely fly under the radar. We all know how much of a fuss the recording industry has made over pirating music. They have sued 14 yr olds and college kids and they slapped that really ugly FBI warning sticker on all CD's now. Not to mention that fucked up CD copy protection that any 12 yr old can break yet it is known to cause some CD's not to play in certain CD players essentially making them useless pieces of plastic. Then again most music these days pretty much transforms those CD's into useless pieces of plastic anyway. I got to smile a little today when Sony music, the worlds largest music publisher, was ordered to pay over 10 Million dollars by the NY Attorney Generals office because of a Payola scheme they got busted for. "Payola" is a term coined in the late 50's. It basically means that record companies used to pay Radio Stations and DJ's to play certain songs. Unfortunately when the dimwitted masses hear a certain song a hundred times on the radio they think this means its good and then they go out and buy the album. So record labels paid people off to spin their records which in turn would make these records sell and turn shit into gold! Well this became illegal in the USA and was stopped. Well it turns out Sony has been pulling the old "Payola" scam again and they got busted. There are still plenty of investigations ongoing also. We've all known for a long time that contemporary pop music stinks. We hear "hits" on the radio and wonder, "How can this be?"
Well now we know. Some of those "Hits?":
Jennifer Lopez's awful record, "Get Right." Sony paid up to $1000 to get that horrid shit played.
Franz Ferdinand, Jessica Simpson, Good Charlotte, Switchfoot.
They paid up to $4000.00 a spin for Franz Ferdinand. Who the fuck is Franz Ferdinand???
Exactly. This kind of stuff makes me smile though as I said in the beginning it probably wont be big news. So next time you hear that big hit on the radio really listen to it. Is it really any good?
No Shit! This explains that damn Hoobastank song....!
Well its hot as hell out today. Supposed to be close to 95. The air quality will be shit. I'm glad I bought a car with T-Tops. I am getting a little worried about the impending inspection. I got pulled over by a town cop yesterday. It was no biggie but the cop looked at my license and goes
"Your J? (insert my name here)"
I said "Yeah that's me."
He goes "Haven't seen you around here lately."
I said "That's good isn't it?"
What the Fuck? I haven't had a run in with these boneheads in over a decade yet they know who I am and now what car I drive. And since I am the only one in town with a black 300ZX I will be a beacon of opportunity for the local constables.
Lucky me.
Kiss me I'm Italian,
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