Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Thursday, May 05, 2005

As the world turns

So my sister Blog, Film Improper is gone. Unfortunately I couldn't keep up with 2 Blogs especially since the Beef is really my baby. I just don't think I can express my feelings about movies very well anyway. I am an encyclopedia of film knowledge and I will trounce anyone when it comes to movie trivia or any modern trivia really. Jess's mom once read off about 50 questions in a row from the Trivial Pursuit 90's edition and I got 44 right out of 50 before the other 5 people in the room could even answer. Trust me I am not bragging. My current bank account just goes to show you how far that kind of info gets you in real life. I do love movies but as far as writing about them I will not be doing it anymore in the near future. Not that I wont recommend a good film when I see one there will just be no Blog dedicated to my obsession. My dream as always is to make movies not write about them. Onward...

So last week I caught a Virus on my work PC. No, I wasn't on or anything. In fact I didn't do a thing. A few of us got it in the company and it slowed everything to a crawl. I was backed up for two days hence when Friday rolled around I had to bust major ass to get all my work done. It was no picnic. At least the companies Antivirus software kept it from spreading to everyone.

So awhile back I mentioned this really offensive T-Shirt site called T Shirt I mean these guys have some hilarious but extremely rude stuff. Definitely not for everyone but I applauded them for pushing free speech to its limits. These guys got into so much shit with watchdog groups, the church and everyone one else who voted for Bush. (oops.) Anyway they always fought back and never caved and their company gained a lot of free advertising to boot. Every month they also sent out an email newsletter printing all the hate mail; they received with gut splitting responses. It was all great fun. Well today I got an email from them stating without explanation that they removed about 25% of their shirts. Of course they were all the most heinous ones like "The School Shooting Tour shirts", "The Surf the Tsunami 04 shirts" and the "Arrest Black Babies before they grow up to become criminals!" By the way the owner of the company is BLACK. (They also had an Arrest White Baby one that was funnier) I was shocked quite frankly. I'm still thinking its a joke because if you knew this site and these guys you wouldn't be able to comprehend this choice. If it s not a joke I am worried about how much of an effect the changes in this country are really having. Yeah I know, Arresting Black Babies is very offensive BUT the point is the freedom for them to print and sell and if you're dumb enough, to wear the shirt. I am getting a little worried folks

The state's House of Representatives voted 85-55 to approve a bill that would forbid sexy cheers and give the Texas Education Agency authority to punish schools that allow "overtly sexually suggestive" routines at football games and other events.Im getting real worried.....

Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride is a stupid bitch. If all she did was take off and shut up for a few days no biggie but to call the police and say "some Hispanic couple has kidnapped me!" is fuckin bullshit. She is obviously whacked out and should pay back all $60.000 of the money spent to locate and then make her spend the same amount of time in jail that the searchers spent looking for her. Oh, and make sure she has a nice 400lb Hispanic convict named Chica to keep her company. Did I mention her fiance needs a swift kick to the nuts for staying with her?

Lyndi, oooh Lyndie England. Oh poor Oxygen deprived Lyndie England. Poor hobbitlike little man-she. Oh the one who points out tiny Iraqi penis. You pled guilty but they threw it out. Ohh Lyndie..More Lyndieeee in the news....yipeee.

On a final note. The Marine who was videotaped shooting the wounded TERRORIST FUCKER in a Mosque in Iraq because he declared "he's faking it" then when the mortally wounded INSURGENT SCUMBAG moved he popped a double tap entry to the guys chest. "Now he's fuckin dead" the Marine said. Damn straight he is. I may hate this war and all its bullshit but if you want to be pussies and set up roadside bombs, hide in Mosques and kill civilians then POW. You are now dead, wounded or otherwise. Semper Fi bitches. Can I get a Hooahh?

Killing you softly,
Captain Beeferino


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Few The Proud The Marines
Fuck anyone who gets in their way.
Semper Fi


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