Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I'm Retired

I cant do it anymore. My 30 year old body cannot handle it. As of today Beer and Red Meat are no longer a part of my life. Both had been cut out considerably over the last 2 years but the excess of both over the years has taken its toll. This past weekend A friend and I drove 5 hours up into the woods of Maine to help a buddy move. We drank lots of beer, ate big fat juicy ham burgers and I smoked 17 packs of cigarettes. The destruction that my poor body took proved too much and sent me into a indigestion filled coma for 24 hours. 10 years ago I could have shook that abuse off like nothing. Not today. Not anymore. After a major bender it now takes my body 48 hours to recover. So for example if I get wrecked on Saturday Night, I will not be able to function until about noontime on Monday. This is not good when you have to be at work for 8am. So I have retired. Beer will only be allowed on special occasions such as ballgames, concerts, bar mitzvahs, church etc, and only in moderation. Beef is forever banned. The effect this meat has on my body and soul is unnerving to say the least. Only 2 days of beer and food was enough to blow me up into a gas filled, pasty assed balloon. The horror, oh the horror.
So it is over. Wine and Chicken our now my top menu items. Long live my colon.


At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, I am Perreginning's buddy in Bisbee and I just recently read your rant on meat. It was pretty funny actually. I have been a serious vegetarian for 28 years, and recently had to start eating a bit of fish, and very very rarely some chicken. It's weird the knowledge that comes from healthy eating, you can really feel the difference and it makes you aware of alot more than the meat eaters, I am not kidding. OK, maybe you are kidding in the writings as I don't really know you, only hear high praise from your cousin. I'd love to be in Colorado when they shoot the ashes too, maybe I will be and will meet you. KATE from Bisbee

At 10:26 AM, Blogger juststained said...

I decided a few years ago to stay away from red meat. Not because I have any agenda, im not a "save the whales" type person at all but the health benefits are very noticeable after cutting red meat from the diet! I am a chicken and tuna guy all the way now. Of course its hard during BBQ season....

And yes, maybe we will meet in Colorado! I hope I can make it. Thanks for stopping by.


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