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BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

So what is a Republicrat?

Well its not a very original play on words but it seems to sum up my political leanings. Anyone that has been reading this Blog may be confused at where I stand on certain issues. Yes I voted for Kerry but not because I am a Democrat. I don't dislike Georgie Porgie because he is a Republican and loves God, I hate him because he is an idiot and is a hand puppet for the right. I'm sure he means well but so didn't Bubba Clinton. He just liked getting a knob job while he was doing it. You see strict Democrats and Republicans fall into a few easily discernible categories.

Democrats hate Republicans.

Republicans think Democrats are communist pig fuckers.

Defense and Law:
Democrats are pussies.

Republicans like to kill murderers and rapists and blow up countries who fuck with us.

Democrats like to create cajillions of useless programs to help the poor then tax the hell out of the poor to pay for it.

Republicans say "Fuck the poor, get a job"

Republicans believe that the Lord God is the Higher power and base a lot of their agendas on religion.

Democrats believe that Ted Kennedy is the Higher Power and base a lot of their agendas on him.

It goes on and on....

First I think the two party system sucks. We really need more parties to diversify the issues. Second I agree with a lot of things on both sides. Lets take a brief look:

Death Penalty: Yes I strongly agree with it though it needs some tinkering and must only be used when we are damn sure the convicted is guilty.

Abortion: I do not believe in abortion, I do not support abortion BUT I believe in a women's right to choose. I will not willingly donate money, I will not protest for it but I will never take away choice.
Leaning-So far Democrat I am falling over.

Defense: I am 100% for taking out anyone who poses threats or attacks to our country, our allies or our citizens abroad. I do not whine about civilian casualties, I do not whine about certain weapons or the way terrorists are treated in our custody. If cutting of their hands will prevent another terrorist attack on our soil then so be it. I am all for spending money on defense and having the most powerful army in the world. Leaning: Republican

..on the other hand I am against the Patriot Act, I am against the war in Iraq. I am against expending human life and money on non-threats. Afghanistan was warranted though it really didn't do much except kill some Taliban and scatter Al Queda. We cannot catch Bin Laden so Bush decides to go after the biggest pussy in the Middle East, Saddam Hussein. No WMD, more deaths from FOREIGN insurgents than the entire Iraqi army caused. Silly shit really. Leaning:Communist pig fuckers.

Separation of Church and State: Religion is a right every American has and will always have. Faith is a wonderful thing and I applaud all who follow those paths. Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Bono..whoever. Just don't push your beliefs on me or my kids. Don't look down on me because I don't go to church and don't knock on my door at 2pm on Sunday. You do your thing we will do ours. Now, for the jack ass who wanted "In God we Trust" taken off the dollar bill can go stick his dick in a light socket. Its obvious his only agenda is to make a silly idea public and since he garnered NO support whatsoever even people who work to keep Religion separate were embarrassed by this dildo. Sure we could change it to "In America we trust", in fact Id even vote for that but either way it doesn't bother me. Until they start leading public classrooms in prayer again you wont hear any complaints from me. Oh and by the way, if you don't want your kids to stand up during the National Anthem then you and your little ones can pack up, head over to China and get run over by tanks you stupid anti American, piss on our veterans, vile scum ass, corpse fuckers.
Leanings:Democrats,Republicans, Satanists, Necrophiliacs.

War on Drugs: One of the biggest wastes of time, money and good drugs. First, Pot is such a dumb ass drug I cant even believe its illegal. It doesn't make you violent, its not that bad for you(smoking cigs, drinking alcohol and watching American Idol are worst for your health) and there is no such thing as a "gateway drug". There are "gateways" like bad parents, shitty school systems and poverty but we wont get into that here. Also don't even get me on peer pressure....So putting dumb 19 year old's in jail for 5 years for having a pound of pot just doesn't seem to be working to well. My biggest beef ever is the fact that a lot of violent crimes hold softer penalties than drug offenses, even pot offenses. Its so stupid. I don't have a solution but unless you commit a robbery, run over someone or commit a violent crime (unless its against another criminal*) there shouldn't be any jail time involved. Use common sense. People who sell drugs, sell them to people who fuckin WANT drugs. There are no Hispanic guys hanging out at the playground trying to sell crack to 12 yr olds. That's another Myth of the drug war. Ever see "Reefer Madness?" Check it out someday. Just be sure to get good and ripped before you do.
Leanings:Democrats, High Times Subscribers,Frito Lay Inc.

*I am a proud supporter of Criminal on Criminal crime. As long as no innocents are hurt I believe there should be no penalty for violent felons killing their fellow violent felons. We should even give out prizes, kinda like those Subway stamps you can collect for a free sandwich.

I could go on but I will take pity on my faithful readers. Now you can see how torn I am. Never agreeing with either side, not sure who to vote for, not even sure if I should vote at all. Hopefully some day other parties will grow to where they can launch actual campaigns that stand a chance. Until then we are stuck with pussy, tax and spend, pro-choice Democrats and kill em all, bible thumping, have you heard the word of god lately?, Republicans. God help us all. Oh shit did I just pray??



At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American Idol and Subway stamp things especially were funny as hell. Keep it up.


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