Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Friday, August 12, 2005

..some more stuff

It’s a double dose today on this muggy August 12th. My last post was my beef and now I am just going to bullshit a while.

Tomorrow two of my good friends are getting married. They have been dating for 7 years or more I think and living together for half of that. I know it’s been quite a while. They have no children, are in their late 20’s and just purchased a nice 2 story home. Jesse is an electrician and Wendy just recently became an accountant, finishing up her schooling. They are in every way a good example of what hard work and dedication can do for an American couple. I am extremely envious to say the least. But it’s a good feeling, far from jealousy since that puts it into the category of “I wish it was me instead of them” and that quite simply is shitty. I don’t wish it was me instead of them I wish it was me also. They have worked hard for what they have and I can’t say I worked too hard over the years. Their relationship is also extremely rare; it’s the type of one I have been searching for since I can remember. I think they are the rare type of couple who actually found their soul mates if any such silly thing actually exists. They are so totally different yet the same in a lot of ways. Jesse has gotten smarter and wiser over the years, learning from past mistakes and not repeating the bad ones. Same for Wendy except she has grown even more beautiful and womanly then ever, something that most men may find threatening but not Jessie. He knows he doesn’t have a damn thing to worry about. Not that he would ever let his guard down or start to take her for granted but when you’re around them you just know it’s for real. If you knew them as well as I do you would agree whole heartedly. Like them most of us 30 something’s have had our fun in the sun. The drug binges, the one night stands and the drunken debauchery. Now its time for them to settle down and carve out their piece of the pie. So it is with great pleasure that I attend their nuptials tomorrow night and I have nothing but admiration and joy for them. Truly a good example of the American dream. Some of us find it, some of us won’t and some of us don’t even try. Either way I believe it’s out there for all of us in some form or another. They found theirs and I wish them all the best.

Will we find ours?

Still searching,


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