First We Beef...
Mitchell Johnson is a free man today. 7 years ago he and his best friend went into their middle school in Jonesboro Arkansas and pulled a fire alarm. As their teachers and fellow classmates came out the front doors they were shot down like animals, left to bleed to death in the morning sun. Four young students and a teacher died that day. Mitchell Johnson was 13 years old. He is now 21 and a free man. His criminal record is wiped clean. He can go into Wal-Mart as I type this and purchase a firearm. Neither Johnson nor his accomplice (who will be free in 2007) have ever expressed remorse or given any explanation for their crimes. This is all true.
In 1994 Damien Echols was convicted of murdering three young boys in West Memphis Arkansas. He was convicted without a shred of concrete evidence and the entire prosecutions case was based on hearsay and the fact that Echols was a “Wiccan” and wore black clothing. He was sentenced to die. Echols was 18 years old. He has always expressed his innocence and has been blasted by the media for not showing “remorse” for a crime he says he didn’t commit. This is also a true story.
Remind to stay far away from Arkansas.
We recently passed the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb blast at Hiroshima, Japan. This single historical event took over 120,000 lives, mostly civilian. It also saved over 2 million. I have heard a few people say how the US was wrong in killing so many civilians and to usher in the atomic age. Well let’s discuss this shall we.
The empire of Japan was the most notorious and brutal country in existence at the time. Far more dangerous than Hitler and his death camps. Japan routinely murdered and tortured allied prisoners of war and raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese civillians, mainly women and children. The “Nanking Massacre” and the “Bataan Death March” are just two of many atrocities committed by Japan in World War 2. Go ahead and Google those names. Never mind I will do it for you, here is a brief synopsis of “The Batann Death March” :
"The Bataan Death March began at Mariveles on April 10, 1942. Any troops who fell behind were executed. Japanese troops beat soldiers randomly, and denied the POWs food and water for many days. One of their tortures was known as the sun treatment. The Philippines in April is very hot. Therefore, the POWs were forced to sit in the sun without any shade, helmets, or water. Anyone who dared ask for water was executed. On the rare occasion they were given any food, it was only a handful of contaminated rice. When the prisoners were allowed to sleep for a few hours at night, they were packed into enclosures so tight that they could barely move. Those who lived collapsed on the dead bodies of their comrades. For only a brief part of the march would POWs be packed into railroad cars and allowed to ride. Those who did not die in the suffocating boxcars were forced to march about seven more miles until they reached their camp. It took the POWs over a week to reach their destination."
Marvel at the complete disregard for human life. President Truman had to make a choice. The invasion of Japan called for nearly 1 million allied troops and it was well known that Japanese soldiers would fight to the death. The estimated death toll from a Japanese invasion was
250, 000 dead allied troops, 1 million dead Japanese troops and hundreds of thousands of dead civilians. It would have been death on a most magnificent scale. Not too mention the POW’s. The Japanese were filling up large ships with emaciated and dying Allied prisoners of war and steaming them to the mainland so they could use them as human shields and at least be sure that we killed as many of our own as we did the enemy. Of course most of these ships were sunk by Allied submarines since the Japanese never had the ships bear the Red Cross, identifying the ship as containing injured men or prisoners so that they were not destroyed. The allies killed over 30,000 of our own troops thanks to the Empire of Japans total disregard for the rules of modern warfare. When Truman decided to drop the bomb instead of invading Japan he saved countless lives and ended the bloodiest war in the world’s history. “Fat Man” and “Little Boy” may have ushered in a new age of warfare but at the time it was the right thing to do.
If we only had leadership smart enough to do the right things for our country today maybe we wouldn’t be disgusted every time we open a Newspaper.
Oh yeah, I heard a lady on the radio today make a very simple yet true comment.
Regarding the gas prices that are completely out of control she said simply, "No one is really making much of a fuss. Everyone is still driving and paying the high prices. Of course no one
is going to lower prices. As long as everyone continues to pay, the prices will stay high." She works for AAA and she is right. Until we kick up a fuss its going to cost you $68 to fill your tank. The ball is in our court but unfortunatley we are all too damn lazy and spoiled to do anything about it. Imagine if everyone in the USA didnt drive to work for ONE day. Just one day. See how fast those prices would go down then.
I guess we can dream cant we?
gabby J
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