Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Yuletide Yawnings w/ congrats in Order

With the approach of Christmas and the New Year I am close to celebrating a full year of the Beeflog. At times it has been informative, funny, morose, overly personal and juvenile among other things. It has been fun and definitely served its purpose as far as being a form of therapy for me. I am glad some of you still stop by from time to time. At first I managed to post nearly everyday but of course that changed to once a week then to a few times a month. That's what happens when you suddenly need to find time for something else during your already hectic week. Oh and a little laziness doesn't help either.

So with the new year nearly here I will partake in some early resolutions. One being to at least post here once a week with my ultimate goal being multiple weekly posts. Hopefully I have better luck then I do on my many ill fated diets. Speaking of diets I planned on getting back into shape come the new year but after squeezing into my jeans this a.m and basically feeling like a bloated blob of beef and barley I think I will hasten the process.

My weight fluctuates more than the stock market and is about as reliable. My cousin once likened it to Robert Deniro's uncanny ability to bulk up for a role then shed the excess fat like a layer of dead skin. Each year when we met I could be170lbs or 230. Depends on the role. The role of course being my state of mind and whether or not I was comfortable with my place in the universe at that given time. I'm ready to quit the "Raging Bull" years and move on to the "Cape Fear", lean and mean physique. See ya Jake Lamotta, Hello Max Cady.

Also, be prepared for the first annual "Best of the Beef" postings coming soon to this blog. Every once in a while I will grace my lucky readers with witty thoughts on some of my favorite things from 2005 whether it be a music album, movie or politician. Should be fun.

Now we come to some congratulations that are in order! Lord Duke, aka Jester aka my mad cousin Rick has finished his long awaited novel and it has been accepted for publication!! Its final title is "Walking Off My Own Funeral" and it is a wonderful and new refreshing voice for the desperate artists we special people harbor inside of us all. Take the journey with him on his Appalachian Trail adventure and we will meet you on the other side.

If you know not of what I speak I say Shame on you and head your ass over to his Blog @

Now get out there and commute. Don't you got some shoppin to do?


Snoop Double J

P.S= You did it! OZNOG for life!


At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEAD MEN HIKE NO TRAILS is my vote, for the title, see what happens. Glad to hear your voice again. I bought that Green Day album you recommended, and it's great. Kate from Bisbee

At 11:56 PM, Blogger juststained said...

I highly suggest you stay away from Myron the right wing nutbag above. He has some shit on his blog that will seriously piss you off and probably make you very upset. He is a one man crusade against the free thinking people of the world. I left a comment on his blog under the horrific photos of "supposed" aborted fetuses. He is a nasty fucker.

Anyhoo, to Kate in Bisbee, I like that title too though I actually like thwm all! Even 17! we will see, he has a vote going on on jigglebox so we will see! Glad you liked the Green Day CD!! Thanks for sticking with the beeflog!!

At 6:00 PM, Blogger juststained said...

The title to Ricks book has been changed back to "Dead men Hike No trails"! Its official now!


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