Feminists and Pagans made my radiator blow up
I could talk about how shitty my week has gone.
I could tell you that my radiator blew up yesterday in my un-inspected car a day after I got a $60 ticket for not having it inspected. I could tell you I have no car now.
I could tell you that I don't give a shit right and that would be the truth. It is Friday and as everyone knows I love Friday's because its pay day and because for 48 hours I don't have to do shit if I do not want too. Nothing except drink, eat and sleep.
There are some other things bothering me right now. You see, everyday I listen to talk radio from all across the country. I listen to the Left, the Right and the middle. You learn a lot about people, political parties and religion and the impacts these things on our country. You also learn about the power of the lie.
Let us talk about the right and the neo-cons and how fucking stupid and full of shit all these brainless, bible thumping jack-asses are. I apologize for the vulgarity but they make me so mad. Their level of ignorance is unequaled. Please don't get me wrong. I do not think all religious folk or Republicans are stupid. I know quite a few wonderful people of faith and even a couple of Republicans who are not all that bad. It's the Neo-Conservative hardcore ilk like the following that make the bile rise up in my throat everytime I see or hear them.
First I bring you Pat Robertson. Bible Humper, TV Host of the 700 club, racist and all around moron. A man with huge influence in the Republican party only because he can deliver millions of votes by just telling his audience "Jesus told him so" on national TV. On Aug. 22nd he said QUOTE "..Chavez was back in power, but we had a chance to move in. He has destroyed the Venezuelan economy, and he's going to make that a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism all over the continent. You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war."
Ok, so he said on national TV that we should murder the President of a South American country. Well that started quite a ruckus since A: If you are a high profile guy you should not advocate murdering a world leader and B: Christians were kinda bothered cuz Jesus said something like "turn the other cheek" or some such nonsense involving violence. Then there is some commandment or something about "though shall not kill". You know the saying that Robertson quotes every time he speaks out on abortion. Robertson was surprised that his statement garnered so much attention. After all it wasn't a breast flashed at the Super Bowl or "Shit" being uttered on NYPD Blue. He only said we should murder some guy. What's the big deal? We already let him get away with it when he said "feminism" was QUOTE: "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
And of course his famous Sept. 11th comments, saying the attacks were caused by QUOTE: "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU and the People for the American Way."
Pat's a real smart guy. So now he thinks we should kill this Chavez guy. So he tells his millions of viewers, yes even the ones watching on ABC FAMILY that we should kill this guy. Well I think some people got offended. Personally, I didn't. I mean I don't listen to anyone who claims God talks to him. Unless your name is Jesus you are a friggin loony if you claim God talks to you. Pat Robertson is a loony, a liar, a racist, and a complete waste of carbon and water. So this morning he claims the "AP misquoted him" and even right wing ass boy Sean Hannity said "Robertson caused a bit of a media firestorm this week when he advocated, some say, the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez." Some say Sean??? Where the hell did you go to school kid??? Oh and where did Hannity say this. If you guessed Fox News you would be right. Get it? Right!? Sorry...but Robertson did say it Sean. Again QUOTE: "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war."
Got it this time?? FINALLY Robertson apologized later in the day after he claimed to have never used the word "assasination" at all.
Quote: "Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement. I spoke in frustration that we should accommodate the man who thinks the U.S. is out to kill him."
Ok, no big deal then right? Well It is actually. For all the shit storms these kind of people start because of swear words and a tit on TV I think its time for some payback. I have already filed a complaint with the FCC and sent a letter to ABC Family. Ok, I filed like 20 complaints with the FCC but that is only because I need to make sure they react and I wanted to use the same tactic the religious right does when they complain about a South Park episode. I want Robertson sued just like they did with Howard Stern and NBC Etc. I was extrememly offended, I mean I was near tears...(chuckle)....
Let the FCC know what you think @ fccinfo@fcc.gov
Now most us know Bill Orielly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. They are the top three right wing mouthpieces. Their lies and total dedication to misinformation and rabble rousing is incredible. They will call you a commie traitor for speaking out against your President, a murderer for being pro-choice and they think Hillary Clinton is the second coming of Satan. Ok, maybe they have that last one right. Unfortunatey these guys have nothing bad to say about President Bush AT ALL. They never waiver in their support. Bush could fall down drunk at a dinner, piss on Condy Rice's leg and Hannity would claim that the Left spiked his punch and that a Democrat put that rug there for him to trip. Im not exaggerating. Orielly lies at least twice a day, Hannity is just an ignorant yes-man and Limbaugh, well Rush gained some support when I found out he liked pain pills as much as the next guy. Too bad he couldn't just come out and say he liked to get high once in a while. You see the right lets their peeps off no matter what. Rush was doing illegal drugs, Nixon was a criminal, a racist and a murder, O'rielly is a pervert and Ann Coulter has a smelly vagina. Yet they all get a pass? Clinton gets head, Al Gore is boring and John Kerry is..ok boring and ugly. Yet these people are Satan's spawn?? They ruined or would have ruined our country?? Shit, thank god Bush was elected again, could you imagine how bad the country would be if Gore or Kerry were running the show? Or God forbid a Clinton!!!?? Shit, gas prices would be through the roof, support for the war would be at an all time low and the Presidents approval rating would be spiraling downward! oh wait a minute. That is all happening right now. Thanks again Ohio. You have been re-named the dumb fuck state. What the hell is a buckeye anyway??
You ever listen to the President speak? We all know his grasp of the English languge is seriously lacking but that joke is getting old. Have you ever really listened?? He constantly repeats himself. When he talks about the Iraq war now it is so tired and fake that no one even cares. "Stay the course..", "We will defeat the terrorists...", "Stay until the job is done...." "Freedom for the Iraq people....." Blah fuckin blah. I used to listen to any sitting President when he spoke at a press conference or a radio address. I honestly don't even bother with Bush anymore. We thought Gore and Kerry were boring?? Bush is like a damn puppet with Karl Rove pulling the strings. It's disgusting. I know I have said it before but this country is in desperate need of a third party. What do you say Lord Duke? Should we re-start the Freak Power ticket in 2008???
I am all for it!
(one hour later)
I just got of the phone with Duke and though I did not mention any political aspirations I think he came up with a good idea for the both of us. An interesting idea for the near future.Once we get the details sorted out we will let you all know. We said the torch has been passed and we aint kidding.
Okay, 4 hours to go. Take care and remember to always speak your mind. Unless of course you are a jack ass like Pat Robertson.
That's enough of my gibberish. Have a swell weekend ya'll.
P.S-Pat Robertsons real name is Marion. teehee
So which one of you will be running for president??? Give the Duke a hello for me since I am out of cell coverage while in the whites. - Blister Sister
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