Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ramblings, observations and random silliness

Its hard. It really is man. You see I just had a wonderful weekend. It was quiet and relaxing. Jess and I had a great time and really enjoyed doing nothing. Except for Saturday night when we geared up for Hunter's big blastoff and of course Lord Duke came through with the phone call that I never doubted! You can read about Dukes final 2 days in Colorado here but of course you should be visiting often anyway!! That's all over and done with now though. As I said in my last post "the torch has been passed".

Back to what I meant by shit being hard. So I have been on very thin ice here at work. Even contemplating quitting and finding a new job since the inevitable is bound to happen eventually. Well I bucked up and completed a long hard week even pulling a long day on Friday to finish up some important work. So maybe I could pull it together after all. Well it turns out I screwed up some dates on some work I entered Friday and have to fix a bunch of shit. This pisses me off. I'm sick of it. I am sick of fucking up and I am sick of caring. How can you put effort into something you don't give a shit about?? The sorry thing is I did put effort into it! A hell of a lot of effort, nearly 10 straight hours of fuckin effort. You see kids, this means you are not cut out for the work you are doing. Either you cant do it or subconsciously you don't care about it. Either way its getting harder and harder to deal with. I am also sick of wasting space here on my blog bitching about my job and my life. I must be boring the shit out of my 4 readers. Well fuck it. No more crap about me unless its interesting. And fuck this job too. I'm so pissed right now I am ready to walk out.

Grrrr I am angry. Nothing like a fucking buzzkill on a Tuesday morning.
I need to carry my special"feel good kit" with me at all times for occasions such as these where I need a "pick me up" or a "lay me down" as we say in the business. Woot!
What am I talking about!! Not much I guess.
I need a new direction goddamnit!
Winter is coming! I fucking hate winter!! Aaaag! I get so bummed when its cold and gray outside. I was definitely made for the western or southern climates.
I need to make tons of money soon so I can pay off my debts and high tail it outta here for the winter.
Maybe I will sell my sperm or my blood or both!
Can you sell body parts before you are done with them?

all I know is...

I am proud of my cousin, long live Lord Duke!

I love Jess, at 2 am on Saturday she thought to toast Hunter and Duke and I and I love her for even thinking of something like that!

I need to make money and fast! Whatever I need to do! Anyone wanna be my sugar mommy?

I suck at my job! Please lay me off so I can collect! Pleaaaase!!


May a ceiling tile fall from the roof above my desk and rip my ear from my head! Can you say out of court settlement? Hoorah!

Fear not beefloggers, I am not losing it. Just getting ansy is all. I am in need of a change, a new beginning. The body grows older but the soul is still energized! Now if only I could get up in the morning. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

P.S-Lady luck shines on me! I have been driving my uninspected car over 20 miles a day to and from work. I have passed many cops and have not been stopped yet! Of course now that I have told everyone I will be stopped the second I leave work today. That's just my luck.

P.S.S-At least Football season is almost here and the Red Sox are still in first place!

P.S.S.S-Ummm .. well that's about it I guess. Oh yeah Here is a word association game, gather around the kids and play:









May Cindy Sheehan sodomize President Bush with her dead sons m-16.


-grabby J


At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin, Don't quit the job, no matter how much you hate it right now etc. Feelings are fleeting and you will hate yourself for that idea down the road if you quit. If you get fired as you say you might, that's another story, but you will kick yourself in the ass if you quit. I have alot of experience with this, with my son, who it bipolar, and 31 years old. He's finally getting another job starting on Monday, but it's been a couple of months in between. Don't shoot your foot. Time passes and we think differently about things, that never changes, trust me. Rick will be walking thru my door momentarily, he called on the road last eve and I left the keys to the Strawbale in a special place as he was arriving about 3:30AM. Carry on, and keep writing on your blog! Kate


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