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BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I want to Pee on Condy Rice

I really do. She has a face like a toilet. Have you seen her on the Hill this week during her confirmation hearings? Though most of the Senators have been kissing her ass, when pseudo Dyke Barbara Boxer grilled her, ole Condy wouldn't even say "Yeah we fucked up a little in Iraq, sorry" Oh no, she sat there poopy faced and never once used the word "mistake". Shit, even Bubba Clinton eventually admitted his mistakes, he rubbed one out all over Monica and said "Sorry!". Now he commands $20,000 to speak to a roomfull of hippies and Bubba groupies.

What is up with this Bush Whitehouse? Georgy Porgy could fart at a statehouse dinner and he'd blame it on the dog, or at least on Laura. No they have nothing to be sorry about. JR's got political capitol thanks to the bible thumpers who paraded to the polls chanting "Kerry is Satan, Bush is Pro Life!!!No more BJ's in the White House!" Shit if Hitler was Pro-Life they would vote for him too.

It hurts to say that I am currently ashamed to be an American in this day and age. That is tough to say after all the sacrifices good American Men and Women have made for us and thanks to them we have the free society that we are currently trying to jam down Islams throat. Of course we have the religious Right in America trying to force feed us the Gospel according to Bush. Then there is his biggest supporter's, the zealots who want to control what we read,write,watch and listen too and of course who,when and how we fuck.

So yeah, I want to piss all over Condaleeza Rice then take a huge steaming shit on the rug in the Lincoln Bedroom. Then maybe ole' George can claim to have finally found one of his "WMD'S".

Or he can just blame it on the dog.


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