Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Thursday, January 06, 2005

False Start

I needed to get something up here to start this thing. I always create these grand ideas in my head yet rarely go through with them. I've always wanted to have a cool website and even managed to post one once but it never amounted to much. I even paid 20 bucks a month to host a page that had a photo of a friends cleavage and a "coming soon" banner. What a waste. So know I'm gonna give "blogging" a shot. I guess I just come here whenever and dump whatever info I feel like sharing. Not that many will see this but I truly believe the best therapist one can have is yourself. Yeah, that's it! This could be a form of therapy. A way to vent and speak my mind without boring or alienating anyone who was unlucky enough to sit next to me at some party. I need it now the most of course. Here we are in the New Year, full of resolutions and great ideas. Mine? Well once again I have vowed to quit smoking, lose the 15 pounds I gained since last time I dropped weight and find more ways to spend my ever dwindling spare time with my wonderful girl Jessica. So here I am and here I will be until I lose interest and head off into some other direction in a never ending search to feed the creative side of me. Of course that side has a really short attention span and a huge appetite. Unless it involves booze or a large group of like minded people I quickly lose interest, unless of course its a good movie or...wait. Ill save all this for further posts. Hopefully there will be more. Wish me luck.


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