Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Monday, January 17, 2005

"You have a mishaped head."

Isn't that what the kid told Adam Sandler in Billy Madison. Well that's how my head feels today. Bloated and burnt. Its a strange hangover. I was so drunk after the Patriots drubbing of the Colts to advance in the NFL playoffs I actually binged and purged last night. I stumbled around the house stuffing my face with any food in sight just to soak up all the booze sloshing around in my belly after some drunken marathon sex and a 3 hour football game. I had been drinking wine since 1pm yesterday then had about 4 shots of Jagrmeister during the game. Then I went home, knocked boots, gorged myself then promptly forced myself to throw it back up. Yuck huh. Now I know how Mary Kate Olsen feels. Or was it Ashley? Anyway it helped a little with the exception of the broken blood vessels in my eyelids and the strange streched feeling my face took on today. God, I am getting to old for this shit. Even worse the AFC Title game is next Sunday night at friggin 6:30pm.Another late work night. I know ill tell myself "Ill take it easy" but this is Patriots Football and I go nuts during the games. Yes, my Neanderthal traits shine bright as I pound my chest and scarf Nachos and drink beers (okay wine ) calling the opposing Quarterback "a Fag!". That's how we do it here in Po-Dunk NH. Some of us even drag our wives around by their hair still.

I kid, I kid. Sometimes you still need that manly pastime to give you the excuse to act silly and bore your girlfriends to death. God Bless em for putting up with us. So its been a long Monday not to mention its freezing in my damn office here at work. I heard a rumor we are out of heating oil. Ridiculous. I could easily be wearing mittens and a scarf right now and not be hot.

I started reading my cousins Appalachian Adventure again from the beginning on his website today to pass the time in between placing orders and listening to customers tell me how bad my company sucks. I plan on doing a lot more hiking next year. I wish I could take 6 months off and do that. Shit, maybe ill hike a week a year. Lets see, 2000+ miles, maybe I could finish 60 miles a week, um that's about 33 weeks. Cool! Id finish the trail at age 63. Groovy.


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