Your Stop for the Daily Beef!

BEEF: Noun 1:the flesh of an adult domestic bovine (as a steer or cow) used as food. plural beefs: 2 a : something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry 3 : a formal allegation against a party

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Getting the Fear

Yeah I know. Me no post no more. Well not lately anyway. Like a broken record I will repeat the words I have used so often here.

Its just so damn hard to find the time.

Its surely not for lack of ideas. There has been a lot of crap going on in the world that deserves a full flavored beef makeover. We have a Supreme Court that will soon be leaning so far to the Right that they will topple off the bench, hopefully crushing Clarence Thomas and Scalia to death under their collective weight. Judge Roberts, now Alito and Attorney General Gonzales will surely yank our Judicial System so far backwards that owning Slaves will come back into fashion. Serves us right though. Its who this country's voters put in power so we have no one to blame for it but ourselves. You want to know what the really scary thing is though? Its starting to look like that's the way We The People want it. Just look at the last two elections.

Back in September 2005 Bill Bennett, a CNN political analyst said if "you wanted to reduce crime ... if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."

CNN kept him on. No one really noticed and to this day he defends his comments.

Out in San Francisco someone is wasting tax payer money suing Rock Star Games for "including porn in their Video Game" Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

Republican law makers are petitioning the FCC to regulate content on PAY TV and Satellite Radio, all subscription based BY CHOICE entertainment.

Radical Extremists have taken over the governments of Palestine, IRAN and Syria. All this while the Bush administration is supposedly spreading Democracy across the Middle East.

Nearing 3000 dead in Iraq and Gas is $2.50 a gallon.

James Frey, a former alcoholic and drug addict gets the touch of gold from Oprah as she chooses his book for her Book Club thus assuring 5 Million Housewives buy it, rocketing it onto the bestseller list. A month later it turns out he made up a lot of it and Oprah verbally spanks him on her show. The book, A Million Little Pieces still is a bestseller on

FX Network's groundbreaking drama Over There, the first war drama to take place during its actual conflict is cancelled after one season due to low viewership yet American Idol is one of the most watched shows on TV.

Serious Fear and Loathing in America in this year of our Lord.

Pray for us.

On the flipside...

Hooray for Cuzn Rick! His first published book, Dead Men Hike No Trails is in my hands and is on its way to many others! Its a great book and such a rush to see his work in print! No more straining at a PC screen for his Gonzo goodness!

Hooray for the return of Jack Bauer as 24 blasts off for another season on Fox!

What the Beef is currently...

Reading:Dead Men Hike No Trails by Rick Mckiney
Don't Eat this Book by Morgan Spurlock
Among The Missing by Richard Laymon
Listening to: UnderWorld 2 Soundtrack
Julianna Hatfield Greatest Hits
Death Cab For Cutie
The Killer is Me a Smashing Pumpkins Tribute
Ice Cube The Predator
Watching: 24
Family Guy
West Wing Season 5
The Office
My Name is Earl
Miami Vice reruns on TV land

Have a good week kiddies.

J to the A


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Man,

After all these years we still think alike. ;)

I agree with you on all counts, especially the lack of interest in the war. In World War II photographs of dead American soldiers were used to turn public opinion against our enemies, and to drive the war effort. Today the Administration is so worried about asking anyone to sacrifice that they continue to cut taxes at the expense of the benefits and body armor for the very troops that we're sending into harm's way.

And the whole time we hide everything; the injuries, the deaths, the flag-draped coffins. We don't even include the cost of the war in our budget plans. And all the while we've god mindless automatons "supporting our troops" but putting magnets on their bumpers, and flags on their front porches. They won't pay for it. They don't want to see it. But they support it, and anyone who doesn't is "against the troops" or unpatriotic.

Mother. Fuckers.


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